Webinaire: Shattering Substance Use Myths on Campus

Date : Jeudi 6 février 2020 - 00:00


Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education

Le Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education organise un webinaire intitulé Shattering Substance Use Myths on Campus dans le cadre des événements de la National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, qui se tiendra du 30 mars au 5 avril 2020, aux États-Unis.

À propos: By participating in this session, attendees will become familiar with NIDA’s work, including the science of addiction; analyze rates of young adult substance use and attitudes toward substance use; explain NDAFW and the resources available to integrate it into existing substance misuse education programming; and formulate a plan for participating in NDAFW that’s customized to the unique needs of the participants’ campus.