Veille signalétique en santé cognitive, mai 2023

Cette parution présente des articles centrés sur les facteurs de protection suivants : participation sociale et mode de vie physiquement actif. Deux articles connexes reliés à la santé cognitive et au vieillissement en santé ont également été sélectionnés.

Effects of a 'social activity program that encourages interaction' on rural older people's psychosocial health: Mixed-methods research

 Participation sociale 

Kikuchi, M., Onishi, R., Takashima, R., Saeki, K., & Hirano, M. (2023). Effects of a ‘social activity program that encourages interaction’on rural older people's psychosocial health: Mixed‐methods research. International Journal of Older People Nursing, e12534.

Perceptions of aging and wellness engagement among life plan community residents

 Participation sociale 

Smith, J. L., Clarke, P. B., & Fullen, M. C. (2023). Perceptions of aging and wellness engagement among life plan community residents. Educational Gerontology, 49(3), 240-250.

Evaluating Feasibility, Value and Characteristics of an Intergenerational Friendly Telephone Visit Program During the Covid-19 Pandemic

 Participation sociale 

Kumar, A. B., Zide, B. S., Bhardwaj, T., Lipschitz, J. M., Altman, A. N., & Donovan, N. J. (2023). Evaluating feasibility, value and characteristics of an intergenerational friendly telephone visit program during the Covid-19 pandemic. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(5), 341-352.

Risks and Benefits of Judo Training for Middle-Aged and Older People: A Systematic Review

 Mode de vie physiquement actif 

Palumbo, F., Ciaccioni, S., Guidotti, F., Forte, R., Sacripanti, A., Capranica, L., & Tessitore, A. (2023). Risks and Benefits of Judo Training for Middle-Aged and Older People: A Systematic Review. Sports, 11(3), 68.

Culinary Nutrition Education Programs in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Scoping Review

 Saine alimentation 

Alghamdi, M. M., Burrows, T., Barclay, B., Baines, S., & Chojenta, C. (2023). Culinary Nutrition Education Programs in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Scoping Review. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 27(2), 142-158.

"I Always Buy the Purple Ones … If I See Them": Socioecological Factors Influencing Anthocyanin-Rich Food Consumption for Cognitive Health in Older Adults

 Saine alimentation 

Kent, K., Larsen-Truong, K., Fleming, C., Li, L., Phillipson, L., Steiner-Lim, G. Z., & Charlton, K. E. (2023). “I Always Buy the Purple Ones… If I See Them”: Socioecological Factors Influencing Anthocyanin-Rich Food Consumption for Cognitive Health in Older Adults. Nutrients, 15(5), 1194.

Older Adults in Action: Using Action Research to Address Neighborhood Change

 Sujet connexe 

Thurber, A. (2023). Older Adults in Action: Using Action Research to Address Neighborhood Change. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 1-17.

Solo but Not Alone: An Examination of Social and Help Networks among Community-Dwelling Older Adults without Close Family

 Sujet connexe 

Lowers, J., Zhao, D., Bollens-Lund, E., Kavalieratos, D., & Ornstein, K. A. (2023). Solo but not alone: An examination of social and help networks among community-dwelling older adults without close family. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 42(3), 419-426.

Older Adults' User Engagement With Mobile Health: A Systematic Review of Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Studies

 Sujet connexe 

Van Acker, J., Maenhout, L., & Compernolle, S. (2023). Older Adults’ User Engagement With Mobile Health: A Systematic Review of Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Studies. Innovation in Aging, 7(2).

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