Veille signalétique en santé cognitive, février 2023

Cette parution présente des articles centrés sur les facteurs de protection suivants : participation sociale et mode de vie physiquement actif. Deux articles connexes reliés à la santé cognitive et au vieillissement en santé ont également été sélectionnés.

Measuring social isolation in older adults : A rapid review informing evidence-based research and practice

 Participation sociale 

Gardam, O., Ferguson, R. J., Ouimet, A. J., & Cobigo, V. (2023). Measuring social isolation in older adults: A rapid review informing evidence-based research and practice. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-20.

Active aging of older adults in rural area after participating in senior self-directed learning groups

 Participation sociale 

Chou, C. Y., Chen, C. S., Lee, M. C., Lin, S. T., & Sun, J. H. (2022). Active aging of older adults in rural area after participating in senior self-directed learning groups. Educational Gerontology, 1-15.

Socially active neighborhoods : construct operationalization for aging in place, health promotion and psychometric testing

 Participation sociale 

Asiamah, N., Bateman, A., Hjorth, P., Khan, H. T., & Danquah, E. (2023). Socially active neighborhoods: construct operationalization for aging in place, health promotion and psychometric testing. Health promotion international, 38(1).

Factors influencing seniors' willingness to pay intention for exercise in the civil sports and recreation centers

 Mode de vie physiquement actif 

Fang, C. Y., Chen, P. Y., & Liao, Y. (2022). Factors influencing seniors' willingness to pay intention for exercise in the civil sports and recreation centers. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.

The Value of Mind–Body Connection in Physical Activity for Older People

 Mode de vie physiquement actif 

Gilchrist, H., Haynes, A., Oliveira, J. S., Grunseit, A., Sherrington, C., Bauman, A., ... & Tiedemann, A. (2022). The Value of Mind–Body Connection in Physical Activity for Older People. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 1(aop), 1-8.

Engagement, acceptability, usability and satisfaction with Active for Life, a computer-tailored web-based physical activity intervention using Fitbits in older adults

 Mode de vie physiquement actif 

Alley, S. J., Schoeppe, S., To, Q. G., Parkinson, L., van Uffelen, J., Hunt, S., ... & Vandelanotte, C. (2023). Engagement, acceptability, usability and satisfaction with Active for Life, a computer-tailored web-based physical activity intervention using Fitbits in older adults. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20(1), 1-17.

Activity-friendly environments for active aging: The physical, social, and technology environments

 Sujet connexe 

Portegijs, E., Lee, C., & Zhu, X. (2022). Activity-friendly environments for active aging: The physical, social, and technology environments. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.

Training in Aging as a Diversity Factor: Education, Knowledge, and Attitudes Amongst Psychology Doctoral Students

 Sujet connexe 

Graham, K. L., & Moye, J. (2022). Training in Aging as a Diversity Factor: Education, Knowledge, and Attitudes Amongst Psychology Doctoral Students. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 22(1).


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