Veille signalétique en santé cognitive, août 2021

Dans cette veille du mois d’août 2021, ont été sélectionnés des articles d’intérêt portant sur deux facteurs de protection de la santé cognitive, soit la participation sociale et le mode de vie physiquement actif.

Older Adults' Perceptions toward Walking: A Qualitative Study Using a Social-Ecological Model

 Mode de vie physiquement actif 

Leung, K.-M., K.-L. Ou, P.-K. Chung et C. Thøgersen-Ntoumani (20 juillet 2021). « Older Adults’ Perceptions toward Walking: A Qualitative Study Using a Social-Ecological Model », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, n° 14, p. 7686.

Challenges and lessons learnt from the ENJOY project: recommendations for future collaborative research implementation framework with local governments for improving the environment to promote physical activity for older people

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Levinger, P., J. Dunn, M. Panisset, B. Dow, F. Batchelor, S. J. H. Biddle, G. Duque et K. D. Hill (22 juin 2021). « Challenges and lessons learnt from the ENJOY project: recommendations for future collaborative research implementation framework with local governments for improving the environment to promote physical activity for older people », BMC public health, vol. 21, n° 1, p. 1192.

Unsupervised home-based resistance training for community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

 Mode de vie physiquement actif 

Mañas, A., P. Gómez-Redondo, P. L. Valenzuela, J. S. Morales, A. Lucía et I. Ara (août 2021). « Unsupervised home-based resistance training for community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials », Ageing Research Reviews, vol. 69, p. 101368.

Barriers, Facilitating Factors, and Intersectoral Collaboration for Promoting Active Mobility for Healthy Aging—A Qualitative Study within Local Government in Germany

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Brüchert, T., P. Quentin, S. Baumgart et G. Bolte (janvier 2021). « Barriers, Facilitating Factors, and Intersectoral Collaboration for Promoting Active Mobility for Healthy Aging—A Qualitative Study within Local Government in Germany », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, n° 7, p. 3807.

Staying Connected: Alternative Transportation Use, Neighborhoods, and Social Participation Among Older Americans

 Participation sociale  

Latham-Mintus, K., M. Manierre et K. Miller (16 juin 2021). « Staying Connected: Alternative Transportation Use, Neighborhoods, and Social Participation among Older Americans », The Gerontologist, p. gnab084.

“It’s impossible for them to understand me ‘cause I haven’t said a word”: how women baby boomers shape social participation spaces in old age

 Participation sociale  

Majón-Valpuesta, D., M. Pérez-Salanova, P. Ramos et A. Haye (24 avril 2021). « “It’s impossible for them to understand me ‘cause I haven’t said a word”: how women baby boomers shape social participation spaces in old age », Journal of Women & Aging, vol. 0, n° 0, p. 1‑17.

Outdoor Recreation for Older Adults in Scotland: Qualitatively Exploring the Multiplicity of Constraints to Participation

 Mode de vie physiquement actif      Participation sociale  

Currie, M., K. Colley et K. N. Irvine (20 juillet 2021). « Outdoor Recreation for Older Adults in Scotland: Qualitatively Exploring the Multiplicity of Constraints to Participation », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, n° 14, p. 7705.

Active Aging Governance and Challenges at the Local Level

 Mode de vie physiquement actif      Participation sociale  

Fernandes, A., T. Forte, G. Santinha, S. Diogo et F. Alves (25 juin 2021). « Active Aging Governance and Challenges at the Local Level », Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 6, n° 3, p. 64.


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