Veille signalétique en santé cognitive, janvier 2023
Cette parution présente des articles centrés sur les facteurs de protection suivants : participation sociale, mode de vie physiquement actif et saine alimentation. Un article connexe relié à la santé cognitive et au vieillissement en santé a également été sélectionné.
Understanding and Addressing Older Adults' Loneliness: The Social Relationship Expectations Framework
Participation sociale
Akhter-Khan, S. C., Prina, M., Wong, G. H. Y., Mayston, R., & Li, L. (2022). Understanding and Addressing Older Adults’ Loneliness: The Social Relationship Expectations Framework. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Active and healthy ageing in urban environments: laying the groundwork for solution-building through citizen science
Mode de vie physiquement actif
Wood, G. E., Pykett, J., & Stathi, A. (2022). Active and healthy ageing in urban environments: laying the groundwork for solution-building through citizen science. Health Promotion International, 37(4).
Mixed-methods evaluation of Daily Moves, a community-based physical activity program for older adults
Mode de vie physiquement actif
Mellow, M. L., Hull, M. J., Smith, A. E., Wycherley, T. P., Girard, D., & Crozier, A. J. (2022). Mixed-methods evaluation of Daily Moves, a community-based physical activity program for older adults. BMC geriatrics, 22(1), 1-12.
Association between health literacy and physical activity in older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Mode de vie physiquement actif
Lim, M. L., van Schooten, K. S., Radford, K. A., & Delbaere, K. (2021). Association between health literacy and physical activity in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Promotion International, 36(5), 1482-1497.
“To Be Moving Is to Be Alive": A Walk-Along Study Describing Older Public Housing Tenants' Perceptions of Physical Activity
Mode de vie physiquement actif
Saint-Onge, K., Bernard, P., Kingsbury, C., & Houle, J. (2022). “To Be Moving Is to Be Alive”: A Walk-Along Study Describing Older Public Housing Tenants’ Perceptions of Physical Activity. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 1(aop), 1-13.
Beliefs underlying older adults' intention to consume plant-based protein foods: A qualitative study
Saine alimentation
Drolet-Labelle, V., Laurin, D., Bédard, A., Drapeau, V., & Desroches, S. (2023). Beliefs underlying older adults' intention to consume plant-based protein foods: A qualitative study. Appetite, 180, 106346.
The promotion of active aging through older adult education in the context of population aging
Sujet connexe
Zhang, K., Kan, C., Luo, Y., Song, H., Tian, Z., Ding, W., ... & Hou, N. (2022). The promotion of active aging through older adult education in the context of population aging. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.
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