Veille signalétique en santé cognitive, octobre 2022

Cette parution présente des articles centrés sur les facteurs de protection suivants : participation sociale, mode de vie physiquement actif et saine alimentation. Trois articles reliés à la santé cognitive et au vieillissement en santé ont également été sélectionnés.

Does Diversity of Social Ties Really Matter More for Health and Leisure Activity than Number of Social Ties? Evidence from Later Adulthood

 Participation sociale 

Brown, C. J., & Rook, K. S. (2022). Does Diversity of Social Ties Really Matter More for Health and Leisure Activity than Number of Social Ties? Evidence from Later Adulthood. Journal of Aging and Health.

Can Communication Technologies Reduce Loneliness and Social Isolation in Older People? A Scoping Review of Reviews

 Participation sociale 

Döring, N., Conde, M., Brandenburg, K., Broll, W., Gross, H. M., Werner, S., & Raake, A. (2022). Can communication technologies reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people? A scoping review of reviews. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(18), 11310.

Dance, Music, and Social Conversation Program Participation Positively Affects Physical and Mental Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Mode de vie physiquement actif

Ambegaonkar, J. P., Matto, H., Ihara, E. S., Tompkins, C., Caswell, S. V., Cortes, N., & Dhokai, N. (2022). Dance, Music, and Social Conversation Program Participation Positively Affects Physical and Mental Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science.

Online Exercise Programming Among Older Adults: A Scoping Review

Mode de vie physiquement actif

Dagenais, M., Parker, O., Galway, S., & Gammage, K. (2022). Online Exercise Programming Among Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 1(aop), 1-14.

Habit is the bridge between intention and behavior: A look at fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income older adults

Saine alimentation

Jung, S. E., Shin, Y. H., Kim, S., Hermann, J., & Dougherty Henry, R. (2021). Habit is the Bridge between Intention and Behavior: A Look at Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Low-Income Older Adults.
Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 40(4), 215-231.

Secular Improvements in Cognitive Aging: Contribution of Education, Health, and Routine Activities

 Sujet connexe 

Beller, J., Kuhlmann, B. G., Sperlich, S., & Geyer, S. (2022). Secular improvements in cognitive aging: contribution of education, health, and routine activities. Journal of Aging and Health.

The Impact of a Canadian Model of Aging in Place on Community Dwelling Older Adults' Experience of Physical Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic

 Sujet connexe 

Garcia Diaz, L., Durocher, E., McAiney, C., Richardson, J., & Letts, L. (2022). The Impact of a Canadian Model of Aging in Place on Community Dwelling Older Adults’ Experience of Physical Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ageing International, 1-25.

The role of local radio in promoting creative engagement for healthy ageing

 Sujet connexe 

Vella-Burrows, T. P., Ewbank, N., & Philips, J. (2021). The role of local radio in promoting creative engagement for healthy ageing. Public Health, 197, 26-27.


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