Veille signalétique en santé cognitive, avril 2022

Cette parution porte sur les interventions environnementales et les recensions des écrits centrées sur les facteurs de protection suivants : mode de vie physiquement actif et participation sociale.

Staying Connected: Alternative Transportation Use, Neighborhoods, and Social Participation Among Older Americans

 Participation sociale 

Latham-Mintus, K., Manierre, M., & Miller, K. (2022). Staying connected: alternative transportation use, neighborhoods, and social participation among older Americans. The Gerontologist, 62(1), 75-88.

Social Networks in Retirement and Assisted Living Communities: A Literature Review

 Participation sociale  

Woods, T., Nies, M. A., & Shirley, A. M. (2022). Social Networks in Retirement and Assisted Living Communities: A Literature Review. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(1), 42-46.

21st Century Good Neighbor Program: An Easily Generalizable Program to Reduce Social Isolation in Older Adults

 Participation sociale 

Sandu, S., Sreedhar, S., Chang, L., Cohen, L., Cruz, A., Olson, H. R., ... & Carrion, A. (2021). 21st Century Good Neighbor Program: An Easily Generalizable Program to Reduce Social Isolation in Older Adults. Frontiers in public health, 9.

Dance Wherever You Are: The Evolution of Multimodal Delivery for Social Inclusion of Rural Older Adults

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Kosurko, A., Herron, R. V., Grigorovich, A., Bar, R. J., Kontos, P., Menec, V., & Skinner, M. W. (2022). Dance wherever you are: the evolution of multi-modal delivery for social inclusion of rural older adults. Innovation in Aging.

Likeability and perceived effectiveness of messages designed to encourage physical activity participation among older adults

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Jongenelis, M. I., Jackson, B., Newton, R. U., & Pettigrew, S. (2022). Likeability and perceived effectiveness of messages designed to encourage physical activity participation among older adults. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Exploring Strategies for Improving Green Open Spaces in Old Downtown Residential Communities from the Perspective of Public Health to Enhance the Health and Well-Being of the Aged

 Mode de vie physiquement actif  

Li, S. J., Luo, Y. F., Liu, Z. C., Xiong, L., & Zhu, B. W. (2021). Exploring Strategies for Improving Green Open Spaces in Old Downtown Residential Communities from the Perspective of Public Health to Enhance the Health and Well-Being of the Aged. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021.

Connecting and reconnecting to a community, with a sense of belonging - exploring Aboriginal Elders' perspectives of engaging in a physical activity program

 Mode de vie physiquement actif    Participation sociale  

Gidgup, M. J., Kickett, M., Hill, K. D., Francis‐Coad, J., Weselman, T., Coombes, J., ... & Hill, A. M. (2022). Connecting and reconnecting to a community, with a sense of belonging–Exploring Aboriginal Elders’ perspectives of engaging in a physical activity program. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Social Networks as A Predictive Factor in Preserving Cognitive Functioning During Aging: A Systematic Review

 Participation sociale 

Yoo, I. (2022). Social Networks as A Predictive Factor in Preserving Cognitive Functioning During Aging: A Systematic Review. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 34(1), 72-80.

Process and outcomes of telephone reassurance program training for older adult volunteers

 Participation sociale      

Lee, K., Fields, N. L., Cassidy, J., & Feinhals, G. (2021). Process and outcomes of telephone reassurance program training for older adult volunteers. Educational Gerontology, 47(1), 36-45.

The Contribution of the Internet to Reducing Social Isolation in Individuals Aged 50 Years and Older: Quantitative Study of Data From the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

 Participation sociale      

Silva, P., Matos, A. D., & Martinez-Pecino, R. (2022). The Contribution of the Internet to Reducing Social Isolation in Individuals Aged 50 Years and Older: Quantitative Study of Data From the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. Journal of medical Internet research, 24(1), e20466.


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