Opioid prescribing practices and training needs of Québec family physicians for chronic noncancer pain
Élise Roy, Richard J. Côté, Denis Hamel, Pierre-André Dubé, Éric Langlois, Maud Emmanuelle Labesse, Christiane Thibault, Aline Boulanger
Aim. To examine medical practices and training needs of Québec family physicians with respect to pain management and opioid prescription for chronic noncancer pain (CNCP).
Methodology. An online survey was carried out in 2016.
Results. Of 636 respondents (43.0% men; 54.3% ≥ 50 years old), 15.2% and 70.9% felt very or somewhat confident that they could properly prescribe opioids for CNCP. Concerns related to abuse (72.5% strongly/somewhat agree), dependence (73.2%), and lack of support (75.4%) were the main barriers reported. Only 19.7% always/often screened their patients for risks of abuse and dependence using a screening tool. About two-thirds of participants (65.7%) had recently (last five years) taken part in continuing education programs on opioid use for CNCP and 73.4% on CNCP management. Patient evaluation and differential diagnoses of chronic pain syndromes were rated as a top priority for further training.
Conclusions. This study provides insights into Québec family physicians’ concerns, practices, and needs with respect to the management of CNCP. Physicians’ difficulties around the application of strategies to mitigate the problem of opioid abuse and addiction are worrying. The need to better train physicians in the field of pain and addiction cannot be emphasized enough.
Le Bulletin d’information toxicologique (BIT) est une publication conjointe de l’équipe de toxicologie clinique de l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) et du Centre antipoison du Québec (CAPQ). La reproduction est autorisée à condition d'en mentionner la source. Toute utilisation à des fins commerciales ou publicitaires est cependant strictement interdite. Les articles publiés dans ce bulletin d'information n'engagent que la responsabilité de leurs auteurs et non celle de l'INSPQ ou du CAPQ.
ISSN : 1927-0801