A learned skill
It can be useful and comforting to have made initial contact with breastfeeding resources in advance in case you experience problems.
The start of breastfeeding also marks the start of your life with your new baby. Preparing for breastfeeding and the first few days with your baby can help you deal with the surprises and moments of discouragement you may face along the way.
Learning to breastfeed takes practice, both for you and your baby. Before baby arrives, you learn the theory. Then you put the theory into practice, and you realize it isn’t always as easy as you thought.
Little by little, with each passing day and each feeding, you will both become more skilled. Then it all starts to come naturally, and everything feels easy! That’s when it becomes enjoyable.
It can take four to six weeks for some women to feel comfortable breastfeeding. For others, it will take less time. During this learning period, you and your partner ill develop your own ways of working as a team.
It’s normal to need information, support and encouragement if you have questions or problems. Don’t hesitate to seek help from people you can rely on in your circle of family and friends or from breastfeeding resources (see The importance of a support network).