
You can introduce books to your baby within his very first months. Looking at a book together is a great way to connect and spend time with him. Your child will enjoy being near you and listening to you speak.

At first, a book is a toy for him, and he’ll put it in his mouth, throw it, and hit it. Let him explore. You can turn the pages, point, and name what you see. You can also change your voice and make noises like different animals and vehicles.

Gradually, your child will better understand what you’re saying as you turn the pages. He’ll also be able to pay attention for longer. Looking at a book with you helps your child develop his language skills and interest in reading. Reading will be an important part of his life when he goes to school.

Some children develop an interest in reading less easily or more slowly. You can continue to leave books within your child’s reach, even if he doesn’t seem interested. He may become curious later. You can also go to the library to encourage his interest.

Information to comfort you and boost your confidence When looking at a book with your child, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the time spent together.

Many libraries offer the free welcome kit Books for Baby. For more information, visit the website: