Pregnancy PDF Version 184 pages • 3 Mb Mieux Vivre-Post content menu The stages of pregnancy Before pregnancy Fertilization Length of pregnancy Due date The fetus Development of the fetus Fetus’s environment Everyday life during pregnancy Physical changes Emotional changes Sexuality Personal care Physical activities Tobacco and electronic cigarette Alcohol Cannabis and other drugs Household products Cats Gardening Health and safety at work Travel and trips Nutrition during pregnancy Eating well Nutritional needs of pregnant women Eating regularly Appetite, cravings, and aversions On the menu: variety, colours, and flavours Essential nutrients Drinks Special needs Diets Preventing allergies Preventing food-borne infections Resources Prenatal care Professionals and services Prenatal care Other types of care Health during pregnancy Medication and natural health products Discomforts of pregnancy Common health problems Warning signs Miscarriage and mourning High-risk pregnancies Domestic violence during pregnancy Preparing to breastfeed Making the decision to breastfeed A learned skill Starting milk production: the first few days Ways to make breastfeeding easier Common concerns and possible problems The importance of a support network Preparing for the birth Visiting the hospital or birthing centre What to bring to the hospital or birthing centre Vaginal birth after caesarean Breech presentation Birth plan Preparing for the baby’s arrival