Consulting health professionals

Essential information to remember If your child is not doing well or if you are worried, you can call Info-Santé (8-1-1) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak to a nurse.

Your CLSC is the gateway to a number of services including vaccination, breastfeeding clinics, and referrals to other resources. It can also provide information on available services and explanations on how to access services elsewhere, if necessary.

When you want to make an appointment with a health professional for your child, contact the child’s family doctor. If the doctor isn’t available, ask to see another doctor or health professional at the same clinic.

You can also get an appointment the same day or the next day using the Québec Medical Appointment Scheduler. This service is available for children who don’t have a family doctor or whose doctor is unavailable.

Québec Medical Appointment Scheduler

When your child is not doing well or if you’re worried, it can be hard to know where to turn. Here’s a tip: Start by calling Info-Santé or Info-Social (8-1-1). These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can talk to a health professional, who will evaluate the situation with you.

If necessary, the Info-Santé or Info-Social health professional can help direct you to a clinic or hospital where you can take your baby.

Info-Santé and Info-Social services are available throughout Québec by dialing 8-1-1, except in certain remote regions. In these areas, your healthcare professional can tell you the local number to call.

In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.