Call for photos - From Tiny Tot to Toddler
Your family could be featured in the next edition!
The INSPQ is looking for photos on specific themes to illustrate the 2025 edition of the guide From Tiny Tot to Toddler.
Photos must meet the following criteria:
- Feature children aged 0 to 2;
- Be spontaneous and natural (no studio shots);
- Correspond to the desired themes.
- Files must be :
- in JPEG or PNG format. Note that, by default, Apple iOS 11 and more recent devices use the HEIF format.
- Smaller than 25 MB each. Photos taken with a cell phone are often high-resolution, generating files that easily exceed the permitted size. Take the time to check.
Photos depicting ethnic, cultural and gender diversity are particularly sought-after. Spread the word!
Selected photos will be featured in future editions of the guide. Don't forget to notify all recognizable individuals and obtain their consent before sending them to us.
If one of your photos is selected, you will be asked for official authorization by e-mail. When the guide is published, a printed copy will be sent to you as a souvenir.
Photo Theme
- Pregnant woman with her partner.
- Pregnant woman eating healthy food.
- Pregnant woman drinking water.
- Water birth.
- Woman using a physio ball during labour (sitting or leaning).
- Monitoring with a fetal monitor during labour.
Baby and parent
- Eye contact between a parent and the baby in their arms.
- Parent and baby facing each other.
- Parent changing a diaper while entertaining his baby.
- Newborn securely fastened (strap visible) in car seat/shell.
- Baby sleeping on his back, with a light blanket and no other objects in bed.
- Baby securely restrained (strap visible), eating in a high chair.
- Family meal.
Send us your photos
By e-mail:
- [email protected].
- Maximum 3 photos per e-mail, otherwise your e-mail may be blocked.
- Use the We transfer tool to send larger photos.
Via online form (only JPEG and PNG files accepted):
Deadline: 24 May 2024