Holding your newborn
Holding your baby in your arms is one way to spend some quality time with him.
Photo: Dominic Morand
Until your baby is about 3 months old, his neck muscles are not strong enough for him to hold up his head by himself. It’s important to always support his head and back when you pick him up. That way you prevent his head from wobbling and causing injury.
You may choose to swaddle your newborn in a blanket when you hold him, because some babies like to feel bundled up. However, make sure that he’s not too hot and the blanket isn’t too tight.
Carrying and hugging your baby stimulates him and helps him develop. You won’t “spoil” a child by giving him the comfort and love he needs. On the contrary! Hold your baby in your arms as often as you want, whether it’s because he’s crying or not feeling well, or just to give him a cuddle.
Babies like to be carried and rocked. Carrying your baby in a baby carrier (see Baby carriers) or rocking him in your arms is a wonderful way to spend some quality time with him. These intimate moments help your baby develop the feeling of confidence that is so essential for establishing and maintaining the attachment bond.
Don’t worry, your baby is less fragile than he looks. He just needs to be handled gently and lovingly.