Displaying 281 - 290 of 310.
- For the pregnant woman, Along with the physical changes, pregnancy can also trigger emotional, psychological, and social changes. Preparing for motherhood and the arrival of a baby can give rise to numerous questions and cause stress for some women. Take the time you need to adapt to these new…
- Sexual relations can continue throughout pregnancy without any problem, as long as you respect each other’s needs, limits, and comfort zone. Photo: Kathy Pouliot, studio Lollipop photo Pregnancy can have an impact on a couple’s sex life. Sexual desire and the frequency of sexual relations may…,…
- Cosmetics and creams, Most cosmetics (creams, makeup) can be used during pregnancy. Face cream and hand and body creams that do not contain any medicinal ingredients can be used safely. If you use a medicated cream, your doctor or pharmacist can check to see if you can continue using it while…
Vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods are all important parts of a healthy diet during pregnancy. Each of these food groups provides different nutritional benefits, providing you with energy, helping your baby develop, or keeping you healthy throughout your pregnancy.
- Physical activity is good for your pregnancy. If you’re not used to being active in your everyday life, start slowly and gradually add more. Photo: Marie-Hélène Giguère Being physically active during pregnancy is good for your physical and mental well-being. Women who are active during pregnancy…,…
- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and your working conditions are potentially dangerous to your health or that of your baby, or if you simply have concerns about this matter, discuss it with your prenatal care provider. Depending on your work situation, certain measures may be available. For…
- If you have had a baby or adopted a child, you must also take steps with federal government departments and agencies. For example, you will have to provide the Canada Revenue Agency with information in order to receive benefits. You may also be entitled to claim a deduction for childcare expenses…
- 211 : Ressources sociales et communautaires, 2-1-1 www.211qc.ca/en Multilingual information and referral service for social and community resources throughout Québec., Québec Poison Control Centre, 1-800-463-5060 www.ciusss-capitalenationale.gouv.qc.ca/services/urgence/capq Information on what to…
- Allergies Québec, 514-990-2575 / 1-800-990-2575 www.allergies-alimentaires.org/en/ Information, support, education and training on food allergies. Website section dedicated to newborns., Association de parents pour l’adoption québécoise, 514-990-9144 / 1-844-990-9144 www.apaq.adoption-quebec.ca…
Electricity can cause serious problems (e.g., internal burns and heart problems). Always call Info-Santé (8-1-1) or take your child to the emergency room.