Study with questionnaires that are not available online or at the INSPQ

Study 13 - Enquête de santé populationnelle estrienne (ESPE) – Tragédie ferroviaire de Lac-Mégantic (2013)

Description and objectives

This population-based health survey conducted in the Estrie region evaluates, notably, the impacts of the tragedy in Lac-Mégantic based on a specific section for the event. The survey sought to:

  • describe the physical and mental health status of the population 18 years of age and over in the Estrie region.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Questionnaire, psychological health profile, PowerPoint presentation of the press conference.

Population targeted

Population in the Estrie region 18 years of age and over

Year of the study

2014, 2015 and subsequent annual data collection

Time of data collection

The first data collection occurred roughly one year after the event and the second data collection roughly two years after the event.

Method of administration

Telephone survey and Web




Barriers to physical activity, perception of the neighbourhood and vicinity, lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol), chronic health problems, consultation of health professionals, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, immunization (in general and for the flu), social participation of the elderly, social support, mental health and psychological distress, impact of sexual orientation on health, illicit use of pharmaceutical products and drugs, feeling of coherence, gambling.
N.B.: The contents of the survey differed slightly between 2014 and 2015.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Anxiety disorders, depressive episodes, most days stressful, a feeling of insecurity in the neighbourhood, consumption of sedatives or tranquillizers, alcohol abuse, consultation of a health professional, advice from a health professional to manage stress, support and tools to help a loved one suffering from a mental disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Impact of Event Scale (IES)
  • Kessler Psychological Distress Scale – 6 items (K6)
  • Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC-SF)
  • Patient Health Questionnaire – 2 items (PHQ-2) – adapté


Supporting documents

  • Stronach, N. et Rochon, A. (2015). Prioriser la santé mentale et le bien-être en Estrie. 7 défis à relever ensemble. Direction de santé publique de l’Estrie. Repéré à
  • Généreux, M., Petit, G., Maltais, D., Roy, M., Simard, R., Boivin, S., Shultz, JM., et Pinsonneault, L. (2014) : The public health response during and after the Lac-Mégantic train derailment tragedy: a case study. Disaster Health, 2(3-4), 1-8.
Study 14 - The Dawson College shooting (2006)

Description and objectives

  • Evaluate the psychological, pedagogical, professional and social repercussions of the September 13, 2006 shooting on the students and employees of Dawson College:
  • description of the psychological impact on Dawson College students and staff, as measured by the appearance of mental disorders, suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviour, with particular emphasis on post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • description of the different profiles of recourse and non-recourse to the psychological support services that Dawson College offered and by health organizations in the community.

Type of survey

Targeted cross-sectional survey

Tools available

Research report

Population targeted

All registered students and staff members at Dawson College on September 13, 2006.

Year of the study


Time of data collection

Eighteen months after the event

Method of administration

Questionnaire completed on a computer at Dawson College or online on a secure website.




The questionnaire is not available. However, the measurement instruments to assess the psychological impacts are defined in the method.

Content related to the “mental health” section

  • Prevalence of mental disorders, scale of severity of exposure to the shooting, post-traumatic stress disorder, utilization of health services and medications related to mental health, needs not satisfied by mental health care, suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide, self-perception of physical health, satisfaction with life.
  • To obtain pre- and post-event comparative measurements, several questions appear to be similar to those that Statistics Canada used in 2002 in the Canadian Community Health Survey, cycle 1.2 on mental health and well-being (ESCC 1.2).

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
  • “Suicidal thoughts and attempts” module (in CCHS)
  • “Mental health services” and “Medication use” modules (in CCHS – MH cycle 1.2)
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-IV (PCL-S)


  • Boyer, R., Lesage, A., Guay, S., Bleau, P., Séguin, M., Steiner, W., … Chawky, N. (2010). Fusillade du 13 septembre 2006 au Collège Dawson : Rapport d’une enquête auprès des étudiants et du personnel du Collège Dawson sur l’impact psychologique et la recherche d’aide. Montréal (Québec) : Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM) et Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin de l’Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine. Consulted at

Supporting documents

  • Guay, S., Lesage, A. D., Bleau P., Séguin M., Boyer R., Steiner W., … Roy D. (2010). Fusillade du 13 septembre 2006 au Collège Dawson : Synthèse et recommandations. Quatrième de quatre rapports déposés au ministère de la Justice du Québec sur l’évaluation de l’impact psychologique et de l’intervention psychologique suite à la fusillade au Collège Dawson le 13 septembre 2006. Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM) et Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin de l’Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine.
  • Roy D., Lesage A. D., Séguin M., Chawky N., Boyer R., Guay S., … Miquelon P. Fusillade du 13 septembre 2006 au Collège Dawson : Évaluation du plan d’intervention psychologique d’urgence. Consulted at
  • Séguin, M., Chawky, N., Guay, S., Szkrumelak, N., Lesage, A., Bleau, P., … Roy, D. (2010). Fusillade du 13 septembre 2006 au Collège Dawson : SECURE (Soutien, évaluation et coordination unifiés pour le rétablissement et l’éducation) : un programme d’intervention psychologique multimodal. Consulted at
Study 15 - European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders/Mental Health Disability (ESEMeD)

Description and objectives

The European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders/Mental Health Disability (ESEMeD) is a large-scale survey in which several European countries participated. It provides data on prevalence, risk factors, disability and the use of services related to mental health disorders.

The findings of the ESEMeD were subsequently used for the European Policy Information Research for Mental Disorders (EPREMED): DG SANCO Project (2004-2006).

  • Determine the prevalence of depressive, anxiety or alcohol-related disorders over a period of 12 months and during a lifetime in France and compare such prevalence with that observed in other European countries and around the world;
  • Estimate their rates of comorbidity;
  • Evaluate the demographic risk factors associated with such disorders;
  • Study access to care and its predictive factors.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Scientific article and research report

Population targeted

Individuals 18 years of age and over with a landline telephone residing in one of the 40 countries studied (France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, United States, Mexico, China, Japan, and so on).

Year of the study

Starting in 2001, depending on the country

Time of data collection

A single survey

Method of administration

Face-to-face in-home survey


Several languages


Full contents unknown

Content related to the “mental health” section

Depressive disorders (major depression and dysthymia) and anxiety disorders (agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, panic, social and specific phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder).

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Hospital Anxiety And Depression Scale (HADS)
  • World Health Organization World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO WMH-CIDI)


  • Alonso, J., Ferrer, M., Romera, B. et al. (2002). The European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD/MHEDEA 2000) Project: rationale and methods. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 11(2), 55-67.
Study 16 - Enquête santé mentale en population générale : images et réalités (SMPG)

Description and objectives study 16

  • Describe representations related to mental illness, insanity, depression and different modes of assistance and care;
  • Evaluate the prevalence of the main mental disorders in the total population 18 years of age and over.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Scientific article and research report

Population targeted

Population 18 years of age and over residing in metropolitan France and in the overseas departments and regions and population 18 years of age and over residing at international sites (13 international sites, including the Seychelles, Greece, Luxembourg, and so on).

Year of the study

Since 1998

Time of data collection

Biennial survey

Method of administration

Face-to-face survey, recruiting in the street




Full contents unknown

Content related to the “mental health” section

  • Anxiety disorders, mood disorders, alcohol- and drug-related disorders, psychosis, suicide risk, insomnia.
  • The survey includes a socio-anthropological component on representations of mental illness in the total population. A specific questionnaire explores representations of “insanity,” “mental illness” and “depression” and of medical, religious and magico-religious recourse.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI).


Study 17 - Étude transversale sur les indicateurs en santé mentale pour la planification des soins

Description and objectives

Using a specific epidemiological study, produce simple indicators that better distribute resources according to needs.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Scientific article and research reports

Population targeted

Individuals 18 years of age and over living in one of four regions of France: Île-de-France, Haute-Normandie, Lorraine, Rhône-Alpes.

Year of the study


Time of data collection

A single survey

Method of administration

Telephone survey




Full contents unknown

Content related to the “mental health” section

Positive mental health, social support, questions on difficulties, anxiety disorders (specific phobias, social phobias, agoraphobia, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder), depressive disorder (major depressive episode), substance use problems (alcohol, drugs, medications), specific questions on suicide.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • 3-Item Oslo Social Support Scale (O3SS)
  • Composite International Diagnostic Interview – Short form (CIDI-SF)


Study 18 - Enquête sur la santé et les consommations lors de la Journée d’appel et de préparation à la défense (ESCAPAD) – drogues illicites

Description and objectives

  • Obtain indicators on the health and living conditions of young people;
  • Ascertain the prevalence of consumption and the ages at which the consumption of lawful and illicit psychoactive substances begin;
  • Obtain an indication of changes in such indicators;
  • Identify the characteristics and factors associated with such practices.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Research report

Population targeted

French citizens between 17 and 19 years of age

Year of the study

Annual survey since 2000

Time of data collection


Method of administration

Self-administered questionnaire




Sociodemographic characteristics, physical and mental health, way of life, leisure activities and sociability, frequency of consumption and type of products consumed, age at the time of experimentation, polydrug use.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Anorexia and depression, suicidal thoughts over the past 12 months, attempted suicide with or without hospitalization in the individual’s lifetime.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

Starting in 2008: Adolescent Depression Rating Scale (ADRS).


Study 19 - Lac-Mégantic rail tragedy (2013) – Qualitative section

Description and objectives

Concerns, opinions, learning and wishes pertaining to risks and risk management of residents of the Lac-Mégantic region.
The objectives were to:

  • better grasp the concerns, opinions, learning and wishes pertaining to risks and risk management of residents of the Lac-Mégantic region since the rail catastrophe;
  • document the concerns, learning and wishes of local stakeholders with respect to health risks;
  • document the opinions and wishes of local stakeholders concerning risk management and recovery;
  • ascertain the avenues for analysis associated with the responses to the catastrophe in order to better adjust public health approaches.

Type of survey

Qualitative study

Tools available

Research report and questionnaire

Population targeted

  • Individuals evacuated on July 6, 2013;
  • Individuals from other areas of Lac-Mégantic;
  • Individuals from the municipalities neighbouring Lac-Mégantic in the MRC du Granit;
  • local socioeconomic agents (businesspeople, managers and government professionals, analysts and coordinators of community-based organizations, and so on).

Year of the study


Time of data collection

Roughly one year after the event

Method of administration

Semi-structured personal individual interview and mental cartography exercise




Concern with risks, opinions on personal and institutional risk management, learning and wishes related to risks, informational items concerning the participant and that facilitate data analysis (age, employment, and so on).

Content related to the “mental health” section

Not applicable

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

Not applicable


  • Brisson, G. et Bouchard-Bastien, E. (2016). Opinions locales quant à la gestion des risques et du rétablissement à la suite de la tragédie ferroviaire de Lac-Mégantic. Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Repéré à
  • Bouchard-Bastien, E. et Brisson, G. (2016). Changements sociaux et risques perçus à la suite de la tragédie ferroviaire de Lac-Mégantic. Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Repéré à