
The committee of experts ultimately recommended one instrument for each category of impact under study. Other instruments and tools that can be useful to assess certain post-disaster impacts from surveys are also proposed. Table 8 summarizes the final recommendations. The sections below provide details of the recommendations. Information sheets that indicate copyright and the interpretation of the score for each of the recommended standardized instruments are available in section 6.2. Questionnaires in the public domain are found in section 6.3.

Table 8 - Summary of recommended instruments or tools to be used in population-based surveys
Mental health status, determinants and possible consequences Recommended measurement instruments or tools Other useful instruments or tools

Anxiety symptoms

Depressive symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms

Psychological distress


Immediate impact of the trauma


Functioning and disability

Quality of life

Social support


Alcohol use

Drug use

Medication use

  • “Medication use” module (in CCHS)2015-2016)
  • “Medication use related to mental health problems” module (in CCHS – MH 2012)

Use of mental health services

  • “Consultations about mental health” module (in CCHS)
  • “Mental health services” module (in CCHS – MH 2012)

NA : non admissible.

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