Study with questionnaires that are available online or at the INSPQ

Study 1 - Flooding in the Saguenay region (1996)

Description and objectives

Two studies derived from the same survey: the psychological and physical health status of July 1996 flood victims: a comparative study of victims and non-victims; long-term psychological impacts among young and old adults.

The objectives were to:

  • compare the physical health status and psychological well-being of the disaster victims with those of individuals not exposed then ascertain whether there are significant differences according to the respondents’ sex;
  • ascertain the presence of a differential effect between groups of adults 55 years of age and over and those under 55 years of age.

Type of survey

Targeted cross-sectional survey

Tools available

  • Scientific article;
  • Master’s thesis with questionnaire, consent form and a solicitation letter.

Population targeted

  • Individuals 18 years of age and over at the time of flooding who were the owner-occupiers of their homes in three municipalities in the Saguenay region:
  • victims’ group: victims whose principal residence sustained damage;
  • control group: individuals from a neighbourhood not exposed to the disaster.

Year of the study


Time of data collection

Two years after the event

Method of administration

Individual interview in the home




Sociodemographic characteristics and situation at the time of and subsequent to the flooding.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Feeling of well-being, presence of intrusive symptoms or avoidance behaviour in the wake of a stressful event, level of depression, somatic symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, social dysfunction, acute depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol use, medication use.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) (first version)
  • General Health Questionnaire – 28 items (GHQ-28)
  • Impact of Event Scale (IES)
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index (PTSD-RI)
  • State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Form Y (STAI-Y)


  • Maltais, D., Lachance, L., Fortin, M., Lalande, G., Robichaud, S., Fortin, C. and Simard, A. (2000). L’état de santé psychologique et physique des sinistrés des inondations de juillet 1996 : étude comparative entre sinistrés et nonsinistrés. Santé mentale au Québec, 25(1), 116-137.
  • Hovington, C. (2002). Les inondations de juillet 1996 au Saguenay : les effets psychologiques durables chez les adultes jeunes et âgés. Master’s thesis in psychology. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Consulted at

Supporting documents

Pre-survey exploratory study:

  • Lalande, G., Maltais, D. and Robichaud, S. (2000). Les sinistrés des inondations de 1996 au Saguenay : problèmes vécus et séquelles psychologiques. Santé mentale au Québec, 25(1), 95-115.
Study 2 - Ice storm (1998) 

Description and objectives

Le verglas de 1998 : l’expérience des Montérégiens.

  • The survey comprises three sections devoted, respectively, to at-risk behaviour and health problems, psychosocial aspects, and the use and evaluation of the media.

Type of survey

Targeted cross-sectional survey

Tools available

Research report, questionnaire

Population targeted

Population in the Montérégie region 18 years of age and over, whose principal residence experienced a power outage lasting more than 24 consecutive hours.

Year of the study


Time of data collection

Four months after the event

Method of administration

Telephone interview




Factors related to the power outage (sector, length of exposure to the outage), living environment (household composition, organization methods), personal factors (age, sex, and so on), and other factors (damage to the home, anxiety and loss of business).

Content related to the “mental health” section

  • During the ice storm: interpersonal relations, presence of aggressive or violent behaviour, a change in behaviour concerning medication use and alcohol use;
  • During the ice storm and in subsequent weeks: psychological distress.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Adaptation of the Indice de détresse psychologique de l’enquête Santé Québec – 14 items (IDPSQ-14).


  • Bellerose, C. et al. (2000). Le verglas de 1998… l’expérience des Montérégiens. Direction de la santé publique de la Montérégie.

Supporting documents

  • Maltais, D., Lalonde, C., Bellerose, C., Robichaud, S., Simard, A., Fortin, M., … Mayer, R. (2001). Les conséquences de la tempête de verglas sur la santé des individus, des intervenants et des communautés – Rapport synthèse. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Consulted at
  • Charbonneau, J., Ouellette, F.-R. and Gaudet, S. (2000). Les impacts psychosociaux de la tempête de verglas au Québec. Santé mentale au Québec, 25(1), 138-162.
  • Bellerose, C. and Laguë, J. (2002). Impacts psychosociaux de la tempête de verglas pour la population de la Montérégie. In D. Maltais (dir.), Catastrophe et état de santé des individus, des intervenants et des communautés (p. 187-208). Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Consulted at
Study 3 - Terrorist attack against Charlie-Hebdo (2015) 

Description and objectives

IMPACTS epidemiological study: investigation of post-attack traumatic manifestations and therapeutic management and support for the individuals involved in the January 2015 terrorist attacks in Île-de-France.

The objectives were to:

  • assess the psychotraumatic impact and describe the healthcare and guidance trajectory of the individuals involved in the January 2015 terrorist attacks in Île-de-France;
  • identify factors governing recourse or non-recourse to health or guidance management in the wake of the events;
  • assess in the target population the occurrence of post-traumatic stress syndromes, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, self-harm risks and dependency;
  • pinpoint the factors linked to the appearance of mental health disorders.

Type of survey

Targeted cross-sectional survey

Tools available

One protocol, four questionnaires and one informed consent form

Population targeted

Individuals exposed to the terrorist attacks:

  • Group 1: physically injured, hostages, witnesses directly threatened, and so on;
  • Group 2: emergency health responders and police forces, and so on;
  • Group 3: family members and loved ones of the victims in Group 1, including the bereaved;
  • Group 4: individuals residing or working in the immediate vicinity of the sites of the event.

Year of the study


Time of data collection

Five months after the event

Method of administration

A questionnaire completed in the presence of an interviewer with professional experience as a psychologist. The first part is a close-ended self-administered questionnaire, followed by an open-ended questionnaire and a structured interview with the psychologist (MINI).




Identity, sociodemographic data, type of exposure, experience of the consequences of the event, antecedents such as psychiatric history, other traumatic life events; description of the management of initial psychological support immediately after the event, description of the legal process, e.g. legal right, complaint process, assistance for victims, and so on; social support network.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Depression, suicide risk, panic disorder, social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse, disorders related to psychoactive substances, generalized anxiety disorder.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Clinical Global Impression (CGI)
  • Hospital Anxiety And Depression Scale (HADS)
  • Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI)
  • Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire (PDEQ)
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-S)
  • Shortness of Breath, Tremulousness, Racing Heart and Sweating Rating Scale (STRS-A3)


  • Vandentorren, S., Sanna, A., Aubert, L., Pirard, P., Motreff, Y., Dantchev, N. and Baubet, T. (2017). Étude de cohorte IMPACTS : Investigation des manifestations traumatiques post-attentats et de la prise en charge thérapeutique et de soutien des personnes impliquées dans les attentats de janvier 2015 en île-de-France. Saint-Maurice: Santé publique France. Consulted at

References available at the INSPQ :

  • Institut de veille sanitaire et Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France (2015). Protocole d’investigation épidémiologique I.M.P.A.C.T.S. Investigation des Manifestations traumatiques post attentats et de la prise en charge thérapeutique et de soutien des personnes impliquées dans les événements de janvier 2015 en Île de France.
  • Institut de veille sanitaire et Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France (2015). Questionnaire population civile, étude I.M.P.A.C.T.S.
  • Institut de veille sanitaire et Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France (2015). Questionnaire intervenants, étude I.M.P.A.C.T.S. 
  • Institut de veille sanitaire et Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France (2015). Questionnaire sur les droits après les événements, étude I.M.P.A.C.T.S.
  • Institut de veille sanitaire et Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France (2015). Feuillet dédié aux proches y compris aux endeuillés, étude I.M.P.A.C.T.S.
Study 4 - Explosion at the AZF plant (2001) – Toulouse residents

Description and objectives

A cross-sectional survey to evaluate in the short term the health consequences among adults of the explosion at the AZF plant.

The objectives were to:

  • describe, among Toulouse residents and, in particular, those in the neighbourhoods most affected by the explosion:
  • exposure to the explosion;
  • the short- and medium-term impact on:
  • social, family, occupational and material life;
  • physical health (recourse to care, injuries, after-effects);
  • mental health (drug intake, prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology and depressivity).

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Research report, questionnaire, information letter

Population targeted

All individuals 18 years of age and over residing in Toulouse at the time of the explosion

Year of the study


Time of data collection

15 to 19 months after the event

Method of administration

An investigator administered the first part of the questionnaire face-to-face and the second part was a self-administered questionnaire.




Sociodemographic characteristics, location and immediate experience of the explosion, injuries, physical disorders and recourse to care in the immediate wake of the explosion, care needs for psychological support and recourse to immediate and delayed care, support for the family circle, damage to the home, disturbances in family life, disturbances in social life, the life of the neighbourhood, occupational life, stressful or traumatic life history, history of care for psychological reasons, current perception of health, well-being, symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder, depressive symptoms, relationship to others.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder, depressive symptoms, perceived health, alcohol use and smoking, drug treatment intake, psychological support.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression Scale (CES-D)
  • Impact of Event Scale – Revised (IES-R)
  • Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36)


  • Rivière, S., Lapierre-Duval, K., Albessard, A., Gardette, V., Guinard, A. and Schwoebel, V. (2006). Rivière, S., Lapierre-Duval, K., Albessard, A., Gardette, V., Guinard, A. and Schwoebel, V. (2006). Conséquences sanitaires de l’explosion survenue à l’usine « AZF », le 21 septembre 2001 – Rapport final sur les conséquences sanitaires dans la population toulousaine Rivière, S., Lapierre-Duval, K., Albessard, A., Gardette, V., Guinard, A. and Schwoebel, V. (2006). . Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités et Institut de veille sanitaire. Consulted at
Study 5 - Explosion at the AZF plant (2001) – Workers 

Description and objectives

A cross-sectional survey to evaluate in the short term the health consequences among adults of the explosion at the AZF plant.
The objectives were to:

  • describe, over a period of five years, the health consequences of the explosion at the AZF plant among a sample of workers from the Toulouse conurbation.

Type of survey

Cohort study

Tools available

Five questionnaires, one research report

Population targeted

Workers from the Toulouse conurbation and rescuers who intervened during the catastrophe.

Year of the study

2004-2005; 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009

Time of data collection

The cohort was followed for five years, starting two years after the event

Method of administration

Self-administered questionnaire, health check-up




  • Exposure data (T0), mental health (T2, T4 and T6), auditory health (T1, T6) and otorhinolaryngologic functional signs (T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6);
  • Sociodemographic characteristics (age, social category, marital status), exposure data, suffering by a loved one, work stoppage, relocation from the place of employment after the catastrophe, having witnessed the dead or injured, having the impression of inhaling toxic products, having participated in rescue operations, having had psychological symptoms after the explosion, having sustained physical injuries at the time of the explosion and having sustained significant damage to the home;
  • Physical health (including immediate irritant effects of toxic origin), mental health and health care utilization in the first year.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, depressive symptoms and psychological malaise.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression Scale (CES-D)
  • Impact of Event Scale – Revised (IES-R)


Study 6 - Explosion at the AZF plant (2001) – Children 

Description and objectives

Two cross-sectional surveys were implemented to evaluate in the short term the health consequences among children of the explosion at the AZF plant. The first survey, nine months after the explosion, was a specific sample appended to the Health Behaviour in School Aged Children (HBSC) international survey. The second one, 16 months after the explosion, was a survey of 5th grade Toulouse students. The objectives were to:

  • describe the material and physical consequences of the explosion among school students, and their immediate experience and recourse to care;
  • describe the psychological impact of the catastrophe and its aftermath by evaluating the symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder, depressive symptoms, behavioural change, social relations and school experience;
  • describe changes in post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms between the two surveys;
  • reveal predictive factors of psychological disorders, both for the symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder and depressivity and behavioural change.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Research report, questionnaire

Population targeted

All children residing in Toulouse at the time of the explosion

Year of the study


Time of data collection

Nine months and 16 months after the event

Method of administration

Self-administered questionnaire in the classroom




Survey nine months later:

  • sociodemographic characteristics, health (list of symptoms, dietary habits, dieting), quality of life, relationships with family and friends, school environment (educational achievement, opinions of the school in general, establishment, teachers, classmates, work, stress, school violence, bullying), self-esteem and psychoactive substance use (tobacco, alcohol and, for older students, illicit substances);
  • direct and indirect consequences of exposure: damage in the school and the home, injuries (personal, in the family circle and among friends), symptoms and consultations following the explosion, after-effects.

Survey 16 months later:

  • sociodemographic characteristics, relational network, educational achievement and leisure activities, personal history (war, natural disaster, death in the immediate family, family violence) and psychological history (medical follow-up, drug intake), geographical location of the students at the time of the explosion, direct consequences of the explosion (property damage, physical injuries, day-to-day life, loved ones affected, recourse to care), impact on behaviour, school life, consumption of addictive substances.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder, symptoms of depression, consumption of addictive substances.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI)
  • Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES)
  • Impact of Event Scale – Revised (IES-R)
  • Impact of Event Scale (IES)


  • Guinard, A., Godeau, E. et Schwoebel, V. (2006). Conséquences sanitaires de l’explosion survenue à l’usine « AZF » le 21 septembre 2001 – Rapport final sur les conséquences sanitaires chez les enfants toulousains. Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités, Académie Toulouse et Institut de veille sanitaire. Consulted at
Study 7 - Québec Population Health Survey (QPHS) 

Description and objectives

Provide a portrait of the health of the population by means of the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, with regional representativeness.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Survey questionnaire and reports

Population targeted

Population 15 years of age and over living in a private household in Québec

Year of the study

2008, 2014-2015

Time of data collection

Five-year survey

Method of administration

Telephone interview


French and English


Physical and mental health, lifestyle habits that affect health, perceived health status, psychological distress, injuries and musculoskeletal disorders, oral health, weight status and use of weight loss products or methods, drug and tobacco use, sexual behaviour and use of contraception, and women’s health behaviour.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Individual perceptions of health status, satisfaction with social life, level of psychological distress, drug and tobacco use.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Kessler Psychological Distress Scale – 6 items (K10)
  • Question “Satisfaction with his/her social life” (QPHS)


Study 8 - Québec Health Survey of High School Students (QHSHSS) 

Description and objectives

Document the health status of young people attending a secondary school in Québec.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Questionnaire and research report

Population targeted

Secondary I to V students in Québec

Year of the study


Time of data collection

Five-year survey

Method of administration

Students answered the questionnaire on a notebook in the classroom.


French and English


Perception of health status, respiratory health, dietary habits, sexual behaviour, weight and body image, oral health, cigarette smoking, alcohol use, drug use, work experience, physical leisure activity and transportation, mental health, behavioural adequacy, school environment, family environment, characteristics of the peer group, sociodemographic conditions and sociodemographic characteristics.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Perception of health status, social support (friends, family environment), psychological distress index, cigarette smoking, alcohol use, drug use.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
  • Indice de détresse psychologique de Santé Québec – 14 items (IDPSQ-14)
  • Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC-SF)


Study 9 - Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Annual Component 

Description and objectives

Collect data on health status, health services utilization and health determinants among Canadians 12 years of age and over.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Questionnaire and research reports

Population targeted

Canadians 12 years of age and over

Year of the study

Since 2000

Time of data collection

Annual survey since 2007

Method of administration

Telephone survey


French and English


Diseases and health status, lifestyle and social conditions, disease prevention and detection, health, mental health and well-being, health care services.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Perception of health status, perception of mental health status, consultation of a health professional concerning emotional or mental health, flourishing mental health, social support (emotional or informational support), psychological distress index, depression, smoking, alcohol use, use of medications.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Composite International Diagnostic Interview – Short Form (CIDI-SF)
  • Kessler Psychological Distress Scale – 6 items (K6)
  • Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey (MOS)
  • Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC-SF)
  • Patient Health Questionnaire – 9 items (PHQ-9)


Supporting documents

Study 10 - Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Mental Health

Description and objectives

Collect information on mental health status, access to and perceived needs with regard to services and formal and informal support, functioning and disability, and covariables.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Questionnaire and research report

Population targeted

Canadians 15 years of age and over

Year of the study

2002 and 2012

Time of data collection

Occasional survey

Method of administration

Telephone survey


French and English


Health status, screening, chronic health problems, physical activity, positive mental health, stress, distress, depression, suicide, manias, generalized anxiety disorder, smoking, alcohol, drugs, disability, mental health services, drug intake, negative social interactions.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Perception of mental health status, social support, psychological well-being, satisfaction with life, psychological distress, day-to-day stress, major depression, anxiety disorders, mood disorders (depression, manias), consultation of resources with respect to mental health, positive mental health, smoking, consumption of alcohol, drugs or medications.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
  • Échelle de mesure des manifestations du bien-être psychologique (ÉMMBEP) – short version
  • Kessler Psychological Distress Scale – 6 and 10 items (K6; K10)
  • Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey (MOS)
  • Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC-SF)
  • World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0)
  • World Health Organization World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO WMH-CIDI)


Supporting documents

Study 11 - Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey (CFMHS)

Description and objectives

Collect information on mental health status, access to and perceived needs with regard to services and formal and informal support, functioning and disability.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Questionnaire and research report

Population targeted

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (Regular Force and Reserve Force)

Year of the study

2002, 2013

Time of data collection

Occasional survey

Method of administration

Personal interview


French and English


Overall health status, chronic health problems, positive mental health, stress, depression, distress, suicide, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, military sexual trauma, alcohol, disability, mental health services, medication use, assistance required, Social Provisions Scale, absenteeism.

Content related to the “mental health” section

Depression, positive mental health, distress, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, mental health services.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Échelle de mesure des manifestations du bien-être psychologique (ÉMMBEP)
  • Kessler Psychological Distress Scale – 10 items (K10)
  • World Health Organization World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO WMH-CIDI)


Study 12 - Baromètre santé

Description and objectives

  • Identify, in the total population and among individuals who have experienced depression, representations pertaining to depression, treatment and professionals.
  • Study comorbidity (anxiety, at-risk alcohol use) and risk factors associated with depression.

Type of survey

Cross-sectional population-based survey

Tools available

Questionnaire and research report

Population targeted

Individuals 15 to 75 years of age residing in a region of metropolitan France

Year of the study

2005, 2010 and 2017

Time of data collection

Occasional survey

Method of administration

Telephone survey




The Baromètre santé surveys were established in 1992 and are now in their ninth year. Baromètre santé surveys have been conducted in most years, but those in 2005, 2010 and 2017 have the biggest sample. The surveys encompass more than 25 health-related themes (health, occupational health, quality of life, vaccinations, infectious diseases, diet, tobacco, alcohol, mental health, medications, suicide, sexuality and contraception, drugs, pathological gambling, sleep, chronic diseases, handicaps, Alzheimer’s disease, accidents, pain).

Content related to the “mental health” section

Perception of health status, major depressive episode, generalized anxiety disorder, impact on activities, life events, social support, tobacco, alcohol, medications, drugs, recourse to care for mental health.

Standardized measurement instruments for mental health assessment

  • Composite International Diagnostic Interview – Short form (CIDI-SF)
  • Hospital Anxiety And Depression Scale (HADS)
  • Mental Health Component (MH5) of the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36)


Supporting documents