Social support

Information sheet 21 - Social Provisions Scale – 10 items (SPS-10)

Name of the instrument

Social Provisions Scale



Number of items


Terms of use

Public domain. The source must be mentioned (Cutrona and Russel, 1987 [English]; Caron, 2013 [French]).


English, French and several other languages.

Data collection method

Self-report questionnaire, in hard copy, in person or by telephone.

Target population


Interpretation of the results and thresholds

10 items measured on a four-point scale. The sum of the scores ranges from 10 to 40.

Is the questionnaire available in the toolkit?

Yes, see Questionnaire 18.

Other versions

The first version of the Social Provisions Scale comprises 24 items.


  • Caron, J. (2013). A validation of the Social Provisions Scale: the SPS-10 items. Santé mentale au Québec, 38 (1), 297-318.
  • Cutrona, C. E. and Russell, D. (1987). The provisions of social relationships and adaptation to stress. In W. H. Jones & D. Perlman (dir.) Advances in personal relationships (vol. 1, p. 37-67). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.