Québec Survey of Child Development in Kindergarten (QSCDK)
The Institut de la statistique du Québec conducted the Québec Survey of Child Development in Kindergarten (QSCDK), which is regional and local in scope, in 2012 and 20171. It covers 16 of the 18 health regions (HRs). It targets five-year-olds attending kindergarten full time. Teachers complete the questionnaire. The themes of the QSCDK are physical health and well-being (motor skills, fatigue, physical preparation, and so on), behavioural adequacy (self-confidence, sense of responsibility, respect for peers, and so on), affective maturity (hyperactivity, inattention, anxiety, sadness, and so on), cognitive and language development (interest and skill in literacy, interest and skill in mathematics, and so on), communications skills and general knowledge (ability to articulate clearly, ability to understand, ability to communicate, and so on) (ISQ, 2015d).
Table 1 presents additional details on the target population, the geographical coverage and the number of respondents.