Enquête québécoise sur les limitations d'activités, les maladies chroniques et le vieillissement (EQLAV)

The Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) conducted the Enquête québécoise sur les limitations d'activités, les maladies chroniques et le vieillissement (EQLAV), which is regional in scope (by health region [HR]) in 2010-2011. It covers 16 or the 18 HRs. It targets three segments of the population, i.e. people 15 years of age and over with disabilities, people 15 years of age and over who declare a long-term health problem, and people 65 years of age and over with or without disabilities or long-term health problems. The themes of the EQLAV include the nature and severity of the disability, medications, information and self-management, emergency departments, hospitalizations and day surgery, home health care, specialized rehabilitation services for the physically or intellectually impaired, specialized rehabilitation services devoted to mental health, alcohol addiction and drug addiction, psychosocial medical follow-up, assistance for activities of daily living or household activities, lifestyle habit measurements and markers of frailty (ISQ, 2015e).

Table 1 presents additional details on the target population, the geographical coverage and the number of respondents.