Scientific advisory

Écrit exprimant clairement une prise de position officielle de l’INSPQ, des recommandations ou des pistes d’action à privilégier sur une question de santé publique et visant à appuyer une prise de décision publique. Il est le résultat d’une démarche qui peut avoir nécessité un consensus d’experts, qui s’appuie sur l’état actuel des connaissances ainsi que sur des principes et des méthodes explicites et adaptées à l’objet de la recherche, au contexte de production et au niveau de preuve requis.

Advice of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec on human papillomavirus vaccines

In October 2007, the Comité sur l'immunisation du Québec (CIQ) tabled a report entitled “Prévention par la vaccination des maladies attribuables aux virus du papillome humain au Québec” [Prevention of diseases caused by human papillomaviruses through vaccination]. At the time that report was being drafted, only one vaccine – Gardasil – was authorized for sale in Canada. The report did not directly compare the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines.

Given the likelihood that the Cervarix…

Scientific advisory

Science advisory report on effective interventions in mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention

The literature review undertaken for this science advisory report demonstrates that there are currently a number of effective mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention measures. Moreover, some of these measures, particularly those targeting children and youth, are already part of the province’s public health services program. These measures are therefore ripe for stakeholders from various sectors involved with each age group to consolidate their efforts, given the numerous…

Scientific advisory

Water fluoridation : an analysis of the health benefits and risks

The purpose of water fluoridation is to prevent dental disease. Major international organizations such as the WHO and the CDC consider fluoridation to be a safe and effective public health measure to prevent tooth decay. Although health organizations largely concur on the safety of fluoridation, a small number of studies do raise questions concerning the link between fluoride and certain health problems. Consequently, in order to offer the population the benefits of water fluoridation, while…

Scientific advisory

Public Health Advisory on the Effects of Cell Phone Use While Driving, with Recommendations

From a public health perspective, there are still far too many road victims due to collisions that are mostly preventable: 704 deaths and 6,397 serious injuries, according to the SAAQ (2005). Their road safety statistics covering the five years from 2000 to 2005 show a general upward trend in Quebec. Indeed, the number of victims killed rose by more than 9% between 2004 and 2005, and serious injuries rose by 14.2%. In the hospital network, this represents an average of more than 4,000…

Scientific advisory

The Use of Chrysotile Asbestos in Quebec

In 1997, in light of international developments with respect to asbestos, the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (Québec's department of health and social services) set up the Comité aviseur sur l'amiante (asbestos advisory committee) to make recommendations concerning appropriate measures for informing the public about the asbestos situation in Québec and protecting public health in this regard. To carry out this mandate, the committee conducted a number of studies. These were…

Scientific advisory

Assessment of the appropriateness of an immunization program for pneumococcal infections in children using a reduced number of doses of conjugate vaccine

In Canada, the first 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) was licenced in 2001. The manufacturer's recommendation is to administer three doses at an early age for primary immunization and a booster dose during the second year (Wyeth-Ayerst Canada Inc. 2001). The recommendation of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NAIC) is to give 3 doses of vaccines at the same time as the other vaccines provided in the schedule at the ages of 2, 4 and 6 months, and the booster dose…

Scientific advisory

Prevention of scalding and legionellosis cases associated to hot tap water in private homes

This notice responds to a request from the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (department of health) of Québec. It is the result of the concerted efforts of two teams within the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (national institute of public health): the “Biohazard, environmental and occupational risks” team wrote the “legionellosis” section, and the “Safety and injury prevention” team wrote the “scalding” section.

Based on an analysis of the scientific…

Scientific advisory

Preliminary Notice Concerning the Selection of an Adulticide for the Control of Mosquitoes to Prevent the Transmission of West Nile Virus in Quebec and Elsewhere in Canada

In the event that West Nile virus (WNV) enters Canada, the control of the principal vector would be one of the key components of the efforts to limit the spread of this virus. At the present time, it appears that mosquitoes are the primary vector of WNV to humans and other animals.

The use of insecticides for this purpose is not without certain human health risks. For that reason, it is critical to select the product that offers the highest level of safety, both for the public and…

Scientific advisory