Baby-led weaning (BLW)

Some parents choose to introduce solids by letting their baby eat pieces of food on their own. This practice is called baby-led weaning, or BLW, and it can work for most babies. However, certain criteria must be met before you start. Your baby must be

When breastfeeding doesn’t go as planned

Breastfeeding is not always easy, and for some women it can be downright difficult. Even with excellent support and specialized assistance, your breastfeeding experience might not live up to your expectations. Some women cope well with these difficulties, while others feel sad and frustrated or even guilty because they cannot achieve the goals they set for themselves. Successful breastfeeding depends on a number of factors that you can’t always control.

Breastfeeding accessories

There is an ever-expanding array of breastfeeding accessories on the market—from breast pumps, nursing bras, and pillows to nursing pads and more. None of them are essential, and some can even interfere with breastfeeding.

However, reusable or disposable nursing pads may be useful if your breast milk leaks. A nursing bra isn’t necessary either, but can be very practical. If you’re thinking about getting a breast pump, community breastfeeding support organizations are an excellent source of information when the time comes to choose one.

False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse


  • The number of children who make false allegations of sexual abuse is lower than the number of children who do not disclose or deny having been sexually abused.
  • Several factors related to a child’s personal characteristics and environment, as well as to the interviews conducted to investigate sexual abuse allegations, may lead children to make false allegations.
  • The way in which a child is interviewed by a parent, an adult in their social network (e.g., teacher, neighbour), or a socio-legal professional about a case of alle

Sexual Assault: What is It?


  • There is no universal definition of sexual assault, and it can be defined according to different perspectives (e.g., political, legal, clinical or scientific).
  • One element that is common to all forms of sexual assault is the absence of consent, meaning that the victim did not consent to the sexual activity or to its continuation, was unable to consent or refuse, or was below the age of consent.
  • The Quebec government defines sexual assault as an act of a sexual natu