Synthesis and summary

Écrit synthétisant ou résumant une production scientifique (de l'INSPQ ou d'ailleurs) et dans lequel les connaissances scientifiques sont adaptées de manière à les rendre accessibles et compréhensibles à des publics généraux ou spécialisés.

Highlights from the descriptive report of the population-based survey of care experiences in the Montréal region

This summary includes highlights of the population survey results on services utilization by the Montréal population, unmet service needs and the assessments of care experiences of respondents who have a regular source of primary care. Moreover, the values obtained in 2010 are compared with those for 2005.

Synthesis and summary

Taxation of sweetened beverages: An economical perspective

The taxation of food products, such as sweetened beverages, is one method that is being considered to change eating behaviours and consequently help improve the populations' health. However, very few empirical studies have been conducted on the use of fiscal measures to prevent obesity and chronic diseases. While most experts recognize the need to take action to reduce the consumption of sweetened beverages in Québec, many wonder if taxation is an interesting tool to reach this goal.…

Synthesis and summary

The Use of Health Knowledge by Not-for-profit Organizations: Taking a Look at Their Policy-influencing Practices

Health professionals act on non-biomedical health determinants in various ways (Frankish et al., 2007). One course of action is working with not-for-profit organizations (NFP) to influence public policy. These partnerships are established mainly because the NFPs and the health professionals in question share common concerns in terms of determinants of health. Moreover, they have complementary resources (expertise, community networks, etc.) that can be put to use on both sides. For example,…

Synthesis and summary

Urban Traffic Calming and Road Safety: Effects and Implications for Practice

This summary is the first in a series of five short documents based on a literature review published in 2011. In what follows, we first present the mechanisms of action underlying traffic-calming strategies, as these mechanisms help to explain and predict the effects of calming interventions on the number and severity of collisions. Next, we summarize the results of studies having evaluated two approaches to traffic calming. Lastly, we consider the implications of such results for public…

Synthesis and summary

Traffic-calming Measures

This glossary was developed in conjunction with the document “Urban Traffic Calming and Health: A Literature Review” for the purpose of describing and illustrating the various trafficcalming measures referred to in the review.

This glossary identifies and describes trafficcalming measures, and offers the terms side by side in French and English. It may be of general interest to those seeking a simple way to orient themselves with respect to the numerous existing calming measures or…

Synthesis and summary

Citizen Participation in Health Impact Assessment: An Overview of the Risks and Obstacles

One of the mandates of the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) is to inform Canadian public health practitioners about effective strategies for promoting the adoption of healthy public policies. Health Impact Assessment (HIA) currently represents one of the most structured practices available to public health actors. It is applied to policies developed by sectors other than that of health that can significantly affect health determinants. This fact sheet focuses…

Synthesis and summary

Citizen Participation in Health Impact Assessment: An Overview of the Principal Arguments Supporting It

One of the mandates of the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) is to inform Canadian public health practitioners about effective strategies for promoting the adoption of healthy public policies. Health Impact Assessment (HIA) currently represents one of the most structured practices available to public health actors. It is applied to policies developed by sectors other than that of health that can significantly affect health determinants. This fact sheet focuses…

Synthesis and summary

Food Policy Councils

Food policy councils are voluntary bodies made up of stakeholders from across the food system collaborating to find practical solutions to the challenges presented by the food systems on a local and national level. The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy published this briefing note conceived by Wendy Mendes to familiarize public health actors with the food system concerns and the contribution of the food policy councils in the formulation of healthy food policies.

Synthesis and summary

Highlights from the overall narrative report of the population survey on care experiences in Montréal and Montérégie

In 2005, the Population Health and Health Services team, a joint team from Direction de santé publique de l'Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal and Institut national de santé publique du Québec, conducted a study in the two most populated regions of Québec (Montréal and Montérégie) to evaluate the association between primary care organizational models existing at that time and the population's care experiences. A second study was undertaken in 2010 to understand the…

Synthesis and summary

Traffic Calming: An Equivocal Concept

The work on traffic calming that we are publishing includes two series of documents and an evolving index of traffic-calming measures and strategies, also to be posted on a section of our website. The first series of documents allows us to present the results of our review of the literature on the effects of traffic calming on certain population health determinants. The second series is intended to provide some conceptual background and policy references.

In this document, belonging…

Synthesis and summary