Synthesis and summary

Écrit synthétisant ou résumant une production scientifique (de l'INSPQ ou d'ailleurs) et dans lequel les connaissances scientifiques sont adaptées de manière à les rendre accessibles et compréhensibles à des publics généraux ou spécialisés.

The economic impact of obesity and overweight

Obesity and overweight are risk factors linked to the appearance of a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, obesity also has an economic impact. Indeed, studies that have quantified the economic burden of obesity in Canada and abroad observe that the problem engenders significant costs for society. Such costs are not confined to those stemming from broader recourse to health services. Costs related to absenteeism, disability and other productivity…

Synthesis and summary

The Built Environment and Physical Activity: Data Collection Tools to Support Intervention

Physical activity and sedentary living are important public health issues. Several studies have revealed links between various features of the built environment and physical activity. In order to develop a profile, better understand the impacts of built environment features, and better direct interventions on the creation of built environments that are conducive to physical activity, using the best information available is essential. The aim of this TOPO is to outline the main methods for…

Synthesis and summary

The sociocultural environment and lifestyle habits of adolescents: A better understanding for action

In early adolescence, young people adopt lifestyle habits that could play a determining role in their future health. At this early age, they begin to develop their independence, while continuing to be influenced by their sociocultural environment. Sociocultural factors have an impact on eating habits and physical activity, and this is even more true in adolescence when youth are in the process of learning and experimenting.

The results of the Ados 12-14 study (see box, page 3) show…

Synthesis and summary

Work-Family Balance and Health: Can Québec Draw Inspiration from Government Policies Implemented in Other Jurisdictions? A Summary

The issue of work-family balance (WFB) has not been given much attention in terms of its impact on health. Therefore the purpose of this advisory is to examine WFB policies likely to foster the health of working mothers and fathers. The conceptual framework is innovative in that the analysis incorporates the impact of WFB difficulties on health, the role of the neighbourhood, working conditions and public policy in the work-family-health equation.

The statistical portrait of WFB in…

Synthesis and summary

Safety of Elementary School Students Walking or Bicycling Between Home and School in Québec: Summary

This summary presents recommendations made by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec to foster safe active transportation between home and school among elementary school students. It is based on a review of the scientific literature.

Synthesis and summary

Energy drinks: Threatening or commonplace? An update

The energy drink market has grown phenomenally in recent years. These products are said to enhance energy levels, physical alertness, and performance, and, as a result, are used by consumers for various reasons on various occasions. According to the literature, the reasons given by consumers include: staying alert, boosting energy, increasing motivation, improving sports performance, and partying all night. Some consumers also drink them because they taste good, to quench their thirst, for…

Synthesis and summary

Enabling Sustainability Policy and Planning at the Local Level: The Example of Food Policy

While sustainability policies and planning have relevance at multiple scales from the neighbourhood, to city-level, regional, national and beyond, this briefing note is intended to help public health, government and non-governmental actors promote sustainability at the local level, whether in urban or rural settings.

This briefing note begins by presenting traditional and emerging responsibilities of local governments. It then briefly summarizes approaches to putting sustainability…

Synthesis and summary

Roundabouts for Public Health

This briefing note is focused on modern roundabouts – also referred to as roundabouts in this document. This briefing note is intended to provide public health actors with a frame of reference by:

Summarizing some of the significant characteristics of this intervention (history, design, reasons for and conditions of implementation); Briefly summarizing the evaluative literature concerning the effects of roundabouts on a few public health determinants; Identifying some potential…
Synthesis and summary

Highlights from the descriptive report of the organizational survey in the Montérégie region

This document aims to describe the reform-related changes observed between 2005 and 2010 in primary care organizations in Montérégie. Findings are reported first on the change in number of medical clinics between 2005 to 2010, and then on the analysis of the modifications in the characteristics of these clinics during this period. The findings are presented for the region as a whole and for each CSSS territory in the region.

In the region, we observed a very slight decline in the…
Synthesis and summary

Highlights from the descriptive report of the organizational survey in the Montréal region

This summary report aims to describe the reform-related changes observed between 2005 and 2010 in primary care organizations in Montréal. Findings are reported first on changes in number of medical clinics between 2005 to 2010, and then on an analysis of the modifications in clinic characteristics over this period. The findings are presented for the region as a whole and for each CSSS territory in the region.

In the region, we observe a decline in the number of primary care medical…
Synthesis and summary