Synthesis and summary

Écrit synthétisant ou résumant une production scientifique (de l'INSPQ ou d'ailleurs) et dans lequel les connaissances scientifiques sont adaptées de manière à les rendre accessibles et compréhensibles à des publics généraux ou spécialisés.

Local Opinions on Risk and Recovery Management in the Wake of the Lac-Mégantic Rail Disaster

Second of a two-part series, this document presents the results of an ethnographic research project entitled Préoccupations, opinions, apprentissages et souhaits quant aux risques et à la gestion des risques de la population de la région de Lac-Mégantic [Concerns, opinions, lessons learned, and wishes respecting risk and risk management among the population of the Lac-Mégantic region]. This qualitative study was commissioned by the Direction de santé publique de l’Estrie after the…

Synthesis and summary

Obesity and Overweight: What Are the Economic Impacts in Québec?

Analyses of the economic burdens related to various health issues affecting a population makes it possible to compare their relative significance. By documenting the costs linked to the use of health services and to productivity losses among individuals with health issues, these studies are invaluable to the decision makers who determine health priorities. 

Studies on the economic burden of obesity and overweight carried out in Canada and other industrialized…

Synthesis and summary

Impact of the Overall Workload on Pregnancy: Summary

The overall workload is evaluated by means of the cumulative set of occupational conditions, the level of physical activity and the level of energy expenditure. Exposure to an increased number of occupational conditions is linked to increased preterm deliveries and, to a lesser extent, to increased small-for-gestational-age births. Increases in the incidence of low-birthweight and high blood pressure during pregnancy are suspected in the presence of two or three occupational conditions.…
Synthesis and summary

Establishing a CISSS/CIUSSS to support community development

In Québec, an integrated health and social services centre (a Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux CISSS) or an integrated university health and social services centre (a Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux – CIUSSS), along with its area network (réseau territorial de services – RTS) partners, is responsible for improving and maintaining the health of the population it serves. It must offer the best possible services to the clients who consult with it and,…

Synthesis and summary

Advisory on a Québec Policy to Fight Environmental Noise: Towards Healthy Sound Environments

Environmental noise, defined as noise emitted from all sources excluding those in the workplace, is pervasive and constitutes a risk to health and quality of life.

The review of the scientific literature shows that noise is a public health issue that can have multiple consequences, both physical and psychosocial. Environmental noise can be a source of sleep disturbance, interference with the ability to learn at school, cardiovascular disease, annoyance (discomfort,…

Synthesis and summary

IVAIRE Project: Study of the Impacts of Ventilation on Indoor Air Quality in the Home and on the Respiratory Health of Asthmatic Children

The objectives of the Impact de la Ventilation sur l’Air intérieur et la Respiration des Enfants asthmatiques dans les habitations (IVAIRE) project were to evaluate the impact of ventilation on indoor air quality and the frequency of respiratory symptoms in asthmatic children living in single family homes. The two-phase project was broken down into two one-year periods: the pre-intervention phase (Phase I) to complete a descriptive study of all participants recruited and the selection of…

Synthesis and summary

Being active to stay fit ... mentally!

Mental health promotion and common mental disorder prevention interventions may apply several well-recognized strategies. Noteworthy among them are strategies that foster the development of public policies and the creation of supportive environments for mental health, that strengthen community action and that support the acquisition of personal skills. These interventions can be global, focusing on several key determinants of mental health, or they can be specific, focusing on only one of…

Synthesis and summary

Analysis of Print Media Coverage of Intrafamilial Homicide Cases in Québec From 2007 to 2012

The way in which the media portray spousal violence and intrafamilial homicide, regardless of whether the focus is on reported incidents or the problem in general, can have an impact on the public’s perception of the problem. For example, media coverage of intrafamilial homicides highlights the sudden and inexplicable nature of such acts, leading to the belief that they are almost impossible to prevent. However, an analysis of records from the coroner’s office revealed that in most of the…

Synthesis and summary

Binge Drinking Among Youth in Québec: Portrait and Evolution from 2000 to 2012

Alcohol use and the many social and health issues associated with it are public health concerns. The impact of alcohol depends primarily on the total volume of alcohol consumed and the pattern of drinking, particularly drinking a large quantity on a single occasion (WHO, 2009).

This work has allowed us to develop a current profile of binge drinking among youth in Québec who drink alcohol and to examine the trends and changes over time in this consumption pattern from 2000 to 2012.…

Synthesis and summary

Highlights, Discussions and Orientations 2012-2013 : Healthcare-Associated Infections Provincial Surveillance Program

The ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) mandated the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) with the provincial surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI), as outlined in the 2003–2012 Programme national de santé publique (Public Health Plan), revised in 2008 as well as in the 2006–2009 and 2010–2015 versions of the Plan d’action sur la prévention et le contrôle des infections nosocomiales (Action Plan for Preventing and Controlling HAIs) aimed at…

Synthesis and summary