Synthesis and summary

Écrit synthétisant ou résumant une production scientifique (de l'INSPQ ou d'ailleurs) et dans lequel les connaissances scientifiques sont adaptées de manière à les rendre accessibles et compréhensibles à des publics généraux ou spécialisés.

Young people, health and screens: Supporting action in Indigenous contexts

This summary document is funded by the Stratégie québécoise sur l’utilisation des écrans et la santé des jeunes 2022-2025. It is aimed at stakeholders responsible for planning and implementing actions designed to influence exposure to and use of screens in the homes and communities of First Nations and Inuit youth.

Synthesis and summary

Workplace Psychosocial Risks: Measurable and Modifiable Health Risks

An abundance of scientific evidence from around the world points to the adverse effects of workplace psychosocial risks on mental health1 and physical health. Over the past few years, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) and its collaborators have developed a Tool for Identifying Psychosocial Risk Factors in the Workplace, which allows these risks to be identified and analyzed, and approaches to reducing their impact in the workplace to be proposed.

Synthesis and summary

The Process of Establishing a Food Cooperative: A Promising Intervention for Improving Physical Access to Food

The adoption of healthy eating—an important determinant of health—is influenced by both individual and environmental (physical, sociocultural, economic, and political) characteristics (Giskes et al., 2011; Raine, 2005; Story et al., 2008; WHO, 2002). Considering the influence of the food environment on diet quality, it is essential to work to ensure that the characteristics of the food environment are conducive to the adoption of a healthy diet.

Synthesis and summary

Promoting the Global Development of Children 0 to 6 Years of Age: Some Principles to Guide the Action

This knowledge translation tool, developed by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), aims to support early childhood stakeholders in the implementation of concerted actions at the national, regional, and local levels. More specifically, the tool targets professionals who accompany early childhood consultation and mobilization, as well as partners and actors on the ground who feel affected.

Synthesis and summary

The Socio-Emotional Development of Children 0 to 6 Years of Age: A Tool for Early Childhood Stakeholders

This knowledge translation tool, developed by the Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ), is based on the synthesis Développement socioaffectif de l’enfant entre 0 et 5 ans et facteurs associés. The synthesis and tool were developed as part of the Initiative concertée d’intervention pour le développement des jeunes enfants (ICIDJE) working group, “Intervention Support” component.

Synthesis and summary

Build Back Better: Wellbeing Budgets for a Post COVID-19 Recovery?

In this fact sheet, we look at how wellbeing has developed as a policy focus for governments and how it might be related to public health concerns such as the social determinants of physical and mental health and health inequalities. We consider whether wellbeing approaches to central government policies may advance the goals of healthy public policy. As part of the National Collaborating Centre on Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP)’s project on wellbeing policy approaches and wellbeing…

Research report, study and analysis

Reducing Social Inequalities in Health (SIH): Working together Toward a More Equitable, Healthier and Resilient Society

For ministries and organizations to be better positioned to collaboratively design new ways to reduce social inequalities in health (SIH), there is a need to clarify the pivotal role of reducing social inequalities across all levels of government and cross-sectoral efforts in preventing negative impacts on population health, and the potential contribution of multiple sectors to improving the health and well-being of the Québec population.​


The health of the population is…

Synthesis and summary

Understanding Public Policy Agenda Setting Using the 4 P’s Model: Power, Perception, Potency and Proximity

This briefing note belongs to a series on the various models used in political science to represent public policy development processes. Note that the purpose of these briefing notes is not to refine an existing model. Our purpose is rather to suggest how each of these models constitutes a useful interpretive lens that can guide reflection and action leading to the production of healthy public policies.

In addition to the news or to unforeseen events that may arise daily, policy…

Synthesis and summary

Series on Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA): 1-Overall situation and clarification of concepts

Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) is a decision-support mechanism increasingly being considered by public administrations in industrialized countries. This first note in the series briefly defines IIA and describes its origins. Then it provides an overview of the current state of practice, and presents the main findings that emerge from this overview. In addition, it clarifies certain concepts related to the practice of IIA. Indeed, given that IIA is still in its early stages and that it……

Synthesis and summary

Series on Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA): 2-Example of the Practice of IIA at the European Commission

IIA is a prospective assessment aimed at integrating within a single conceptual framework all the intended and unintended effects (usually on the economy, society and the environment) of a new government intervention. Its goal is to combine the various existing impact assessments within a single procedure. This briefing note is the second in a series of six focused on the state of the practice of integrated impact assessment (IIA).

The series on IIA follows from a……

Synthesis and summary