Promoting the Global Development of Children 0 to 6 Years of Age: Some Principles to Guide the Action

This knowledge translation tool, developed by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), aims to support early childhood stakeholders in the implementation of concerted actions at the national, regional, and local levels. More specifically, the tool targets professionals who accompany early childhood consultation and mobilization, as well as partners and actors on the ground who feel affected.

The tool is based on two knowledge syntheses1. These syntheses have identified principles for effective early childhood interventions across Canada. The tool introduces these principles and illustrates them with examples of interventions that have been evaluated. There are, of course, many effective and inspiring actions in Quebec; however, it was impossible to list them all in this tool. We encourage early childhood stakeholders to share their success stories for further reflection and mobilization

The approach behind the tool

The tool was developed as part of the Initiative concertée d’intervention pour le développement des jeunes enfants (ICIDJE) working group, “Intervention Support” component. The ICIDJE also includes a “Survey” component, corresponding to the Enquête québécoise sur le développement des enfants à la maternelle (EQDEM) and the Enquête québécoise sur le parcours préscolaire des enfants de maternelle (EQPPEM)2. These surveys measure and monitor the developmental status of Quebec children at the age of 5. For the development of this tool, early childhood professionals familiar with the EQDEM and EQPPEM were consulted to identify issues related to early childhood surveillance, promotion, and prevention. A consensus emerged on the main need of the various actors, namely support for reflection leading to the implementation of promising actions. The tool was discussed with respondents from various regions at different stages of the process to be as relevant as possible to the field.

1These syntheses can be consulted at
2Québec Survey of Child Development in Kindergarten (QSCDK) and Survey on the Preschool Path of Kindergarten Students (QSPPKS), respectively

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