How Widespread are Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders?: Highlights of the Québec Survey on Working and Employment Conditions and Occupational Health and Safety

A painful back, shoulder or wrist can make life difficult. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) occur frequently in the workplace and affect many Québec workers.

The Québec Survey on Working and Employment Conditions and Occupational Health and Safety (QSWECOHS) sheds new light on WMSDs. (See the sidebar entitled Data Source on the reverse side of this document.) In 2007, for example, nearly 732,000 Québec workers, or one in five, experienced at least one WMSD in the 12 months prior to the survey.

The survey also found that female workers were more likely to be affected by WMSDs than their male counterparts. One of every four women experienced a WMSD compared with one of every six men.

This gender difference was seen for each body region studied in this survey.

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