Working Conditions that Contribute to Work-Related Musculoskeletal disorders: Highlights of the Québec Survey on Working and Employment Conditions and Occupational Health and Safety

What are the causes of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)? Numerous scientific studies have highlighted the important contribution of working conditions to the development of WMSDs, in particular physical work demands such as forceful exertion, repetitive movements and awkward body postures. The Québec Survey on Working and Employment Conditions and Occupational Health and Safety (QSWECOHS) sheds new light on the working conditions that contribute to WMSDs.

Organisational work demands, such as work intensity, work pace, lack of decision latitude and lack of support from co-workers or supervisors, also contribute to these common health problems.

The Québec Survey on Working and Employment Conditions and Occupational Health and Safety (QSWECOHS) sheds new light on the working conditions that contribute to WMSDs.

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