Research report, study and analysis

Écrit présentant les résultats d’une recherche réalisée par un ou des experts de l’INSPQ sur une question d’intérêt pour la santé publique. Le document peut rapporter des résultats préliminaires ou définitifs et contenir ou non des propositions pour agir sur les questions examinées.

Disparities in mental health and its determinants among Québec high school students by language of instruction

This paper provides a comparative analysis of several mental health indicators and determinants by language of instruction. All data discussed in this analysis is from the Québec Health Survey of High School Students 2016–2017.

Research report, study and analysis

Profiles of Public Health Systems in Canada: Ontario

As Canada deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest public health challenges of our time, the need to strengthen public health systems has never been greater. Strong public health (PH) systems are vital to ensuring health system sustainability, improving population health and health equity, and preparing for and responding to current and future crises. There are considerable variations across provinces and territories in how public health is organized, governed and financed…

Knowledge review

The non-medical cannabis regime in Québec: A public health analysis

This document examines, from a public health perspective, the regulatory regime governing the production, distribution, use and possession of cannabis for non-medical purposes in Québec. The analysis describes the main characteristics of this regime and examines the main public health issues it raises. Thus, the analysis identifies elements that could inform the legislative review process planned for 2021.

Research report, study and analysis

Build Back Better: Wellbeing Budgets for a Post COVID-19 Recovery?

In this fact sheet, we look at how wellbeing has developed as a policy focus for governments and how it might be related to public health concerns such as the social determinants of physical and mental health and health inequalities. We consider whether wellbeing approaches to central government policies may advance the goals of healthy public policy. As part of the National Collaborating Centre on Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP)’s project on wellbeing policy approaches and wellbeing…

Research report, study and analysis

Climate change and heat vulnerabilities of Canadian workers: Focus on the Central and Western provinces of Canada

Global warming could have particularly severe impacts on Canada. It is estimated that temperatures in Canada increased at roughly twice the global mean rate over the 1948–2016 period, with a mean annual increase of 1.7°C compared to a global increase of 0.8°C. Periods of extreme heat have become more frequent and more intense in most provinces. Without appropriate preventive actions, these changes could lead to an increase in mortality and morbidity rates, affecting, among others, urban…

Research report, study and analysis

Five examples of intersectoral action for health at the local and regional level in Canada

This document describes and analyzes five Canadian experiences of intersectoral action for health linked to local and regional governments. The main objective of this text is to provide examples for institutions who may wish to draw inspiration from these previous experiences. It is intended equally for local and regional health organizations and for local policy makers and non-governmental organizations.

The cases presented are:

Vancouver’s Healthy City Strategy, in…
Research report, study and analysis

Negative Psychosocial Effects of Heat Waves, Flooding, Forest Fires, and Storms on Québec Workers

In the implementation of Québec’s 2013-2020 Climate Change Action Plan, the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux mandated the Institut national de santé publique du Québec with conducting an exploratory study on the psychosocial effects experienced by workers as the result of four extreme weather events, the frequency of which will be exacerbated by climate change: heat waves, flooding, storms, and forest fires.

Research report, study and analysis

Approaching Municipalities to Share Knowledge: Advice From Municipal Civil Servants to Public Health Actors

What is an effective way to share public health knowledge with the municipal sector? In this document, we present the views expressed by civil servants in Canadian municipalities.

When public health actors wish to share knowledge in order to influence municipal policies that have an impact on health, they may wonder how to do this. Here are several questions that they might ask:

If I wish to share knowledge with a municipality, whom should I approach? What action is the…
Research report, study and analysis

Mistreatment of Older Adults

Mistreatment of older adults involves a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older adult, whether or not the perpetrator deliberately intends to cause harm. It affects older adults living at home, in residential facilities, or in any other type of living environment.  Two forms of older adult mistreatment have been defined in Québec: violence and neglect.…
Research report, study and analysis

Ethical Dimension of Stigmatization in Public Health: Decision Support Tool - 2018 Update

Health-related stigmatization is a social process that involves the formation or reinforcement of negative social representations of certain groups of individuals, who are labelled based on health problems considered preventable or within their control. Behaviours, lifestyles, living conditions or other personal characteristics are attached to a moral evaluation which designates “good” or “bad” diseases, and “good” or “bad” patients. These persons are considered responsible and blamed for…
Research report, study and analysis