Knowledge review

Écrit présentant une synthèse des connaissances scientifiques disponibles sur une question pertinente à la santé publique. Il contient et rend compte des résultats d’une démarche explicite pour identifier les études scientifiques pertinentes à la question examinée, évaluer la qualité de ces études, en extraire les données, formuler des conclusions et les analyser.

Social inequalities in health: The perspective of Indigenous girls and women

This knowledge synthesis was prepared at the request of the Ministry of Health and Social Services and funded under the Indigenous health agreement. It follows from an update to the Stratégie gouvernementale pour l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes (gender equality strategy) drawn up by the Secrétariat à la condition féminine du Québec in response to a guideline calling for the promotion of Indigenous perspectives on gender equality in support of actions by various stakeholders involved…

Knowledge review

Frameworks for Determinants of Health: Characteristics and Features in Indigenous Contexts

Indigenous peoples around the world continue to experience and have to cope with the effects of colonial policies and historical trauma on their health and development. The determinants of health approach holds promise for reducing the social health inequalities experienced by Indigenous populations, as the magnitude and severity of these inequalities call for intersectoral public health initiatives based on a thorough understanding of all the individual, collective, and structural factors…

Knowledge review

Decision-support logic diagram for the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) form a complex group of chemicals comprising thousands of fluorinated organic compounds.

Knowledge review

Alcohol consumption during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Québec and Canada

The data contained in this fact sheet have been derived from six probability surveys conducted from March 29, 2020 to April 28, 2021 throughout Canada (including Québec) and one survey carried out exclusively in Québec.

Knowledge review

Indigenous youth, health, wellness, and social media: a scoping review

Canadian studies have highlighted the increase in social media use among young people, as well as the possible health consequences, including lack of sleep and difficulty concentrating. What’s more, social media use involves exposure to screens, which has numerous health repercussions (musculoskeletal, vision and hearing problems, sedentary lifestyle, repercussions on development, etc.).

Knowledge review

Preventing Suicide by Reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Consequences: Possible Courses of Action

The present knowledge synthesis was prepared at the request of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. It focuses on promotion and prevention interventions that can reduce adverse childhood experiences and their consequences and contribute to preventing suicide.

Knowledge review

Indigenous Research Principles: Contributions to Public Health Collaborations

Indigenous organizations and communities have developed research principles to raise researchers’ awareness of ethical issues in research involving Indigenous populations, with the aim of decolonizing practices and knowledge.

These principles and their usefulness in supporting public health actions appear to be of interest to the Québec public health network. This synthesis aims to identify, through a systematized review of the grey literature, the research principles put forth…

Rapid knowledge synthesis

Intersectoral Action for Health and Equity in the Context of Budget Cuts

The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) seeks to increase the expertise of public health actors across Canada in healthy public policy through the development, sharing and use of knowledge.

Rapid review

COVID-19: Interim Recommendations on Preventive Workplace Measures for Pregnant and Nursing Workers

The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) has mandated the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) to establish a working group to develop interim recommendations for workplaces and in the context of the application of preventive withdrawal and reassignment of pregnant or breastfeeding workers.

The working group brings together physicians and professionals at the INSPQ with varying backgrounds in public health, occupational health and infectious diseases…

Interim recommendations

Health in All Policies Training: Inventory, Analysis, and Avenues for Reflection

This document identifies and analyzes 85 training initiatives (workshops, webinars, guides, courses, conferences) focused on the Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach. It aims to provide a portrait of the training initiatives offered and to suggest ways to improve upon this offer, with a particular focus on the Canadian context. The report provides a brief quantitative analysis as well as an in-depth qualitative analysis of the following dimensions of the training corpus: objectives and…

Research report, study and analysis