Organizational document

Écrit qui décrit les activités réalisées par l’INSPQ. Il peut s’agir par exemple d’un dépliant, d’un plan stratégique, d’un rapport annuel de gestion, d’un rapport d’activités. Ce dernier peut inclure des observations, des conclusions, des recommandations et peut être produit plusieurs fois par année.

Anticipating tomorrow’s challenges: orientations and priorities for scientific development

The Institut national de santé publique du Québec’s 2024–2029 Scientific Program is the result of a collective process of reflection. It identifies the main emerging or growing public health issues and pinpoints the areas where our knowledge and capacity for action need to progress.

Organizational document

What Factors Can Public Health Actors Consider to Facilitate the Borrowing of a Public Policy?

Given the interconnectedness of jurisdictions around the world, public policies adopted to solve a problem in one jurisdiction often inspire in another the development of policies intended to solve the same problem. When public health actors propose policy options for addressing public health problems, they may include in their proposals policies that have proven effective in other jurisdictions.

Organizational document

Reducing Social Inequalities in Health (SIH): Working together Toward a More Equitable, Healthier and Resilient Society

For ministries and organizations to be better positioned to collaboratively design new ways to reduce social inequalities in health (SIH), there is a need to clarify the pivotal role of reducing social inequalities across all levels of government and cross-sectoral efforts in preventing negative impacts on population health, and the potential contribution of multiple sectors to improving the health and well-being of the Québec population.​


The health of the population is…

Synthesis and summary

Québec WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention: Activity Report May 2016-April 2018

The Centre is made up of institutions in the Québec public health network under the scientific coordination of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), which, in conjunction with its mission, establishes links with Canadian and international organizations in order to foster cooperation and the pooling of knowledge.

The Collaborating Centre seeks to contribute at the international level to research, development and the dissemination of intersectoral approaches to…

Organizational document

Québec WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention: Activity Report May 2014-April 2016

The Centre is made up of institutions in the Québec public health network under the scientific coordination of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), which, in conjunction with its mission, establishes links with Canadian and international organizations in order to foster cooperation and the pooling of knowledge. The Collaborating Centre seeks to contribute at the international level to research, development and the dissemination of intersectoral approaches to…

Organizational document

Québec WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention: Activity Report January 2013-April 2014

The Centre is made up of institutions in the Québec public health network under the scientific coordination of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), which, in conjunction with its mission, establishes links with Canadian and international organizations in order to foster cooperation and the pooling of knowledge.

This report is submitted each year to the WHO/PAHO and is part of the organization's management and monitoring requirements in respect of the Québec WHO…

Organizational document

Québec WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention: Activity Report 2012

The Centre is made up of institutions in the Québec public health network under the scientific coordination of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec, which, in conjunction with its mission, establishes links with Canadian and international organizations in order to foster cooperation and the pooling of knowledge.

This report is submitted each year to the WHO/PAHO and is part of the organization's management and monitoring requirements in respect of the Québec WHO…

Organizational document

Developmental health and public policy

It is commonly acknowledged that the circumstances surrounding birth and the early years of life have an impact on the learning, behaviour and health of individuals throughout their lives. To help readers to learn more about interventions that support the healthy development of children from birth to five years old, we have compiled this bibliography.

This document aims to open pathways of study to public health actors interested in developmental health and the well-being of children…

Knowledge review

Services and Activities offered by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec

The Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) which is an expertise and reference public health institute, was created in 1998 following the adoption of its act of incorporation (R.S.Q., chapter I-13.1.1). Its experts come from fields as distinct as applied science, health sciences, social sciences and humanities and work with the health care network to develop and pool public health knowledge and skills. The Institute seeks to be Québec's province-wide public health…

Organizational document

Québec WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention: Activity Report 2011

The Québec WHO Collaborating Centre (CC) for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention, established in 1995, is comprised of institutions in the Québec public health network, i.e. four regional public health branches (Montréal, Montérégie, Capitale-Nationale and Bas-Saint-Laurent), the Direction générale de la santé publique in the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec and the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). Through its mission of international…

Organizational document