Québec WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention: Activity Report May 2016-April 2018

The Centre is made up of institutions in the Québec public health network under the scientific coordination of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), which, in conjunction with its mission, establishes links with Canadian and international organizations in order to foster cooperation and the pooling of knowledge.

The Collaborating Centre seeks to contribute at the international level to research, development and the dissemination of intersectoral approaches to promote safety and prevent intentional and unintentional injuries.

2014-2018 Mandate:

  • Collaborate in the activities of the WHO and the PAHO.
  • Satisfy the needs of the international community.
  • Support the Réseau francophone international de prévention des traumatismes et de promotion de la sécurité (French-speaking injury prevention and safety promotion network).

Anticipated contributions:

  1. Collaborate on WHO’s program of activities in the realm of safety promotion and injury prevention.
  2. Contribute to the maintenance and development of the Réseau francophone international de prévention des traumatismes et de promotion de la sécurité.
  3. Contribute to capacity building in respect of safety promotion in the French-speaking countries and Latin America.
  4. Offer technical support in the realm of safety promotion and injury prevention in French-speaking Africa and Latin America.
  5. Comment on, validate and adapt, if need be, the French-language translations of WHO/PAHO reports and publications.

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