Aboriginal health

Young people, health and screens: Supporting action in Indigenous contexts

This summary document is funded by the Stratégie québécoise sur l’utilisation des écrans et la santé des jeunes 2022-2025. It is aimed at stakeholders responsible for planning and implementing actions designed to influence exposure to and use of screens in the homes and communities of First Nations and Inuit youth.

Synthesis and summary

Indigenous youth, health, wellness, and social media: a scoping review

Canadian studies have highlighted the increase in social media use among young people, as well as the possible health consequences, including lack of sleep and difficulty concentrating. What’s more, social media use involves exposure to screens, which has numerous health repercussions (musculoskeletal, vision and hearing problems, sedentary lifestyle, repercussions on development, etc.).

Knowledge review

Indigenous Research Principles: Contributions to Public Health Collaborations

Indigenous organizations and communities have developed research principles to raise researchers’ awareness of ethical issues in research involving Indigenous populations, with the aim of decolonizing practices and knowledge.

These principles and their usefulness in supporting public health actions appear to be of interest to the Québec public health network. This synthesis aims to identify, through a systematized review of the grey literature, the research principles put forth…

Rapid knowledge synthesis

Perinatal Psychoactive Substance Use Among Indigenous Women: Social Determinants

Because of its impact on the health of families and future generations, psychoactive substance use during the perinatal period is a public health concern for the entire population. Understanding the factors that influence psychoactive substance use among Indigenous women in the perinatal period is essential to targeting prevention and health and wellness promotion strategies for First Nations and Inuit people. This synthesis analyzes the factors that emerge from the scientific literature…

Knowledge review

Impact Assessments in Indigenous Contexts: Promising Avenues for Reflection and Improvement for Health Impact Assessments

This document is intended for public health authorities who wish to undertake a health impact assessment (HIA) in Indigenous contexts in Canada, practitioners working in the field of impact assessment, and Indigenous organizations that wish to undertake or participate in impact assessments.

Approaches to prospectively assessing the environmental, social and health impacts of policies, programs or projects are increasingly being implemented and standardized in a large number of…

Knowledge review

COVID-19: Indigenous resilience, a lever to support

The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and social repercussions have highlighted the social and health inequalities that make Indigenous communities particularly vulnerable to the pandemic and its impacts.

Rapid knowledge synthesis

Indigenous-specific Mental Health and/or Wellness Strategies in Canada

The NCCHPP produced a Scan of Mental Health Strategies to show what is being developed in the field of population mental health across Canada. This Scan provides an overview of mental health and wellness and related strategies through comparative tables and summaries, with a particular emphasis on work related to the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental illnesses.


The Diet of Québec First Nations and Inuit Peoples

The diet of Québec’s First Nations and Inuit has changed significantly in a few decades. It passed from a diet based on local natural resources to a mixed diet or one relying exclusively on commercial food. When adding a sedentary lifestyle and the social conditions of many families and communities, the commercially-based diet, which is high in refined sugars, trans fat, and sodium and low in essential nutrients, contributes to chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular…
Monitoring report

Updated program for combating sexually transmissible and blood-borne infections Nunavik: clinical intervention section

In Nunavik, the battle against bacterial sexually transmissible and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) has become increasingly urgent. In the wake of mass interventions in the 1990s, and despite more recent efforts, the region has been unable to lower its incidence curves, particularly for gonococcal infection, which has reached epidemic proportions since fall 2007. In this context, and spurred by the renewed interest of medical teams on the ground, the Direction de santé publique (department…

Research report, study and analysis

Health Profile of Nunavik 2011: Demographic and Socioeconomic Conditions - Highlights

This summary features highlights from the first section of the Nunavik Health Profile 2011 on demographic and socioeconomic conditions. It contains information on demographic (population, fertility) and socioeconomic (family, education, employment, income, food security) indicators.

The demographic and socioeconomic profile that emerges allows us to identify certain challenges that need to be addressed in order to improve health and well-being among the Nunavimmiut.

Synthesis and summary