Program and public policy

Canadian Network for Health in All Policies Inaugural Meeting

This publication by the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) is intended for public health actors working on or interested in Health in All Policies (HiAP) or HiAP-inspired approaches. Ito provides an overview and a summary of the main discussions that took place during the inaugural meeting of the Canadian Network for Health in All Policies (CNHiAP), held on September 19 and 20, 2023 in Montréal. It was developed as part of the NCCHPP’s regular scientific…

Research report, study and analysis

What Factors Can Public Health Actors Consider to Facilitate the Borrowing of a Public Policy?

Given the interconnectedness of jurisdictions around the world, public policies adopted to solve a problem in one jurisdiction often inspire in another the development of policies intended to solve the same problem. When public health actors propose policy options for addressing public health problems, they may include in their proposals policies that have proven effective in other jurisdictions.

Organizational document

Intersectoral Action for Health and Equity in the Context of Budget Cuts

The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) seeks to increase the expertise of public health actors across Canada in healthy public policy through the development, sharing and use of knowledge.

Rapid review

Supporting Public Health Human Resource Planning: A Survey of Canadian Universities’ Public Health Training Programs

The full document and its summary are intended to inform individuals and organizations involved in discussions about the training capacities of public health programs in Canadian universities, and about Canada's public health workforce planning in the context of public health system transformation and the post-COVID-19 era.

Research report, study and analysis

Health in All Policies Training: Inventory, Analysis, and Avenues for Reflection

This document identifies and analyzes 85 training initiatives (workshops, webinars, guides, courses, conferences) focused on the Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach. It aims to provide a portrait of the training initiatives offered and to suggest ways to improve upon this offer, with a particular focus on the Canadian context. The report provides a brief quantitative analysis as well as an in-depth qualitative analysis of the following dimensions of the training corpus: objectives and…

Research report, study and analysis

Profiles of Public Health Systems in Canada: Alberta

As Canada deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest public health challenges of our time, the need to strengthen public health systems has never been greater. Strong public health (PH) systems are vital to ensuring health system sustainability, improving population health and health equity, and preparing for and responding to current and future crises. There are considerable variations across provinces and territories in how public health is organized, governed and financed,…

Research report, study and analysis

Whole-of-Government Wellbeing Approaches: A Comparative Analysis of Four Central Government Initiatives

The wellbeing approaches studied, with their reference frameworks and associated wellbeing indicators, are policy instruments for the entire government apparatus. Although these approaches have only recently been introduced and have been the subject of few evaluations, they appear promising. They are based on a vision of social, human, economic and environmental progress and rely on measurements that complement those of economic growth and GDP. Their adoption is intended to support what…

Rapid Analysis

Profiles of Public Health Systems in Canada: Nova Scotia

As Canada deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest public health challenges of our time, the need to strengthen public health systems has never been greater. Strong public health (PH) systems are vital to ensuring health system sustainability, improving population health and health equity, and preparing for and responding to current and future crises. There are considerable variations across provinces and territories in how public health is organized, governed and financed…

Knowledge review

Public Policy Analysis Tool for Rapid Decision Making in Public Health

The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) has collaborated with the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) to develop a public policy analysis tool adapted to rapid decision-making contexts. This tool is particularly relevant in the context of a health emergency, where decisions must be made at an accelerated pace. The NCCHPP is making this tool available to public health actors who have to conduct such analyses as part of their mandate and who wish…

Professional practice guidelines

Profiles of Public Health Systems in Canada: British Columbia

As Canada deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest public health challenges of our time, the need to strengthen public health systems has never been greater. Strong public health (PH) systems are vital to ensuring health system sustainability, improving population health and health equity, and preparing for and responding to current and future crises. There are considerable variations across provinces and territories in how public health is organized, governed and financed, as……

Knowledge review