Health in All Policies Training: Inventory, Analysis, and Avenues for Reflection

This document identifies and analyzes 85 training initiatives (workshops, webinars, guides, courses, conferences) focused on the Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach. It aims to provide a portrait of the training initiatives offered and to suggest ways to improve upon this offer, with a particular focus on the Canadian context. The report provides a brief quantitative analysis as well as an in-depth qualitative analysis of the following dimensions of the training corpus: objectives and competencies, training mode and pedagogical approaches, conditions that support or hinder HiAP implementation, benefits and limitations, implementation tools and principles, previous experiences with HiAP, as well as the historical context. This analysis revealed several patterns in terms of the content covered. In general, the training initiatives analyzed provide a comprehensive overview of the foundations of the approach and its implementation principles. They tend to emphasize a vision of HiAP focused on flexibility, horizontal collaboration, societal benefits, multifaceted challenges to implementation, and tools that are more conceptual than practical. Despite the quality of existing training options, it seems that professionals wishing to deepen their knowledge and strengthen their competencies related to HiAP would benefit from more concrete and actionable training. In response to some of the shortcomings discussed in this report, we propose a number of avenues for reflection aimed at enriching the training offer, the main one being the development of professional workshops adapted to specific clienteles, audiences, sectors or contexts. One of the advantages of this proposal is that it would respond to the specific realities and challenges arising from the political and social diversity existing in Canada. For reasons of feasibility or resource availability, a virtual course targeting a plurality of actors could also be considered.

Health in All Policies Training:  Inventory, Analysis, and Avenues for Reflection

ISBN (Digital)


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