Québec WHO Collaborating Centre for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention :Activity Report 2006
The Centre is composed of a group of public health institutions in Quebec under the scientific coordination of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) that, as part of its mission, establishes links with various organizations at the national and international level to promote cooperation and the sharing of knowledge.
The mandate of the WHO Collaborating Centre was renewed until 2010. In keeping with its mission, the objectives of the action plan and the collaboration initiatives already undertaken, the Centre will, insofar as it is able and its expertise allows, participate in the implementation of initiatives pertaining to the WHO strategy for the prevention of violence and unintentional injuries.
The Collaborating Centre hopes to play a more important role in violence prevention and also in the evaluation of the impact of public policy on individual safety. It is interested in achieving broader collaboration with northern and southern French-speaking countries in the realm of injury prevention and safety promotion. It is also willing to develop collaboration themes with other centres of expertise in North America.