Monitoring zoonotic diseases in Québec: overview and avenues for action

Over the past 10 years, an annual increase in the number of reported cases of Lyme disease and two record years of West Nile virus cases have been observed, which denotes a change in the epidemiological situation of zoonoses in Québec. Climate change impacts are also expected to foster the emergence or geographical expansion of other zoonoses. In response to such change, several zoonotic disease monitoring optimization initiatives have been undertaken. 

This project proposes an examination of the current state of the monitoring in Québec of tickand mosquito-transmitted zoonoses and enteric zoonoses and to reflect on avenues for action to optimize such monitoring to guide the implementation of preventive intervention geared to the new climatic and ecological contexts. 

  • The three-stage project draws inspiration from the environmental scan method, i.e., a synthesis of knowledge to provide an overview; 25 interviews with key informants to pinpoint strong points and opportunities for improvement; and a consensus-building activity to determine avenues for action. 
  • The findings include an overview in the form of summary tables of the monitoring of tickand mosquito-transmitted zoonoses and enteric zoonoses in Québec, a list of the main strong points and opportunities for improvement of monitoring according to the key informants; and five key avenues for action to optimize monitoring. 
  • The main avenues for action retained are to (1) optimize existing monitoring; establish interdepartmental collaboration based on the One Health approach; (3) step up monitoring of vectors or pathogens at risk of emergence; (4) develop and integrate new data sources; and (5) produce and disseminate information geared to intervention. 
  • This study’s findings offer a broad overview and propose avenues for action that would benefit from being prioritized for each category of zoonosis, i.e., tick- and mosquitogenerated zoonoses and enteric zoonoses. The avenues for action can ultimately support decision-making by political and health authorities concerning the measures to be adopted to enhance the monitoring of zoonoses already present and at risk of emergence in Québec in the coming years

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