COVID-19: Interim Recommendations on Preventive Workplace Measures for Pregnant and Nursing Workers

The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) has mandated the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) to establish a working group to develop interim recommendations for workplaces and in the context of the application of preventive withdrawal and reassignment of pregnant or breastfeeding workers.

The working group brings together physicians and professionals at the INSPQ with varying backgrounds in public health, occupational health and infectious diseases, two medical communities of practice that are part of the Québec Health Network in Occupational Health (Réseau de santé publique en santé au travail du Québec, RSPSATQ), namely the “Communauté médicale de pratique d’harmonisation Pour une maternité sans danger (CMPH-PMSD)” and the “Communauté médicale de pratique en santé au travail du Québec (CMPSATQ)”, as well as the Québec Minister of Health and Social Services (MSSS).

These recommendations are based on the reference framework for public health risk management in Québec (INSPQ, 2016).

They are intended to support designated physicians and the RSPSATQ’s regional and local occupational health teams in making decisions regarding requests for preventive reassignment of pregnant or breastfeeding workers under the “Pour une maternité sans danger program”.


Latest update in French: January 19st, 2022.


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