
Smoking cessation counselling - Results of a 2005 Survey of Quebec physicians

More than 13,000 men and women in Quebec (about 36 per day) die each year from tobacco-related diseases. Although the prevalence of tobacco use has declined in the past decade, there are still 1.6 million smokers in the province who inhale more than 4,000 chemical products each day, at least 50 of which are carcinogenic.

Since 2003, the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec (MSSS) has supported the implementation of the Plan québécois d'abandon du tabagisme. The…

Research report, study and analysis

Smoking cessation counselling - Results of a 2005 Survey of Quebec dentists

More than 13,000 men and women in Quebec (about 36 per day) die each year from tobacco-related diseases. Although the prevalence of tobacco use has declined in the past decade, there are still 1.6 million smokers in the province who inhale more than 4,000 chemical products each day, at least 50 of which are carcinogenic.

Since 2003, the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec (MSSS) has supported the implementation of the Plan québécois d'abandon du tabagisme. The…

Research report, study and analysis