Operating Room with a Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Interim Recommendations

Note that the information herein is based on the scientific evidence available on the date of this statement. Several questions on operating room setup for suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 have come from these facilities. Below are the measures to implement.

Preparatory Measures

  • Postpone all elective surgeries (for at least one month) and if possible, postpone urgent surgeries until the case is no longer contagious or until a test rules out the possibility of COVID-19 for a patient with compatible symptoms.
  • Prepare for all urgent surgery scenarios for suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 with the various teams: technical services, IPC, operating room, surgeons, anesthesiologists, etc.
  • Determine whether the surgery has a high risk of generating aerosols (see below) by discussing with the surgeon.
  • Favor epidural or locoregional anesthesia whenever possible a…
Comité sur les infections nosocomiales du Québec

COVID-19: Interim Recommendations on Preventive Workplace Measures for Pregnant and Nursing Workers in Community transmission context

The recommendations presented in this document are to be implemented when the Québec national public health director declares that there has been sustained community transmission of COVID-19 in the Québec population. Community transmission may be declared locally, regionally or province-wide.

In the current context, the underlying premises for these recommendations are those issued by the public health authorities for the entire Québec population, who are required to postpone non-urgent appointments, remain at home except for essential trips (groceries, pharmacy, urgent healthcare), observe social distancing, and follow the established procedures when they present symptoms.

Since there is no effective vaccine or specific treatment for COVID-19 at the time of drafting of these recommendations, public health measures remain the best available tools to mitigate the incidence of the disease. The implementation of the “Pour une maternité sans danger” program is one such w…