Expert Consensus: Viral Load and the Risk of HIV Transmission

A more recent publication based on new studies has just been issued by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. This update is titled «L'effet du traitement des personnes vivant avec le VIH sur le risque de transmission sexuelle de l'infection» (The impact of treating people living with HIV on the risk of sexual transmission of the infection) can be found here:…

Scientific advisory

Infectious diseases surveillance among injection drug users - Epidemiology of HIV from 1995 to 2004 - Epidemiology of HCV from 2003 to 2004

As of June 30, 2004, 14,773 questionnaires had been administered to 8,964 individuals (Table 1).

Three-quarters of participants are men (6,542/8,964) with an average age of 33. The average age of female participants is 28 (Table 1).

Educational levels are low, with only one in four (269/1,105) participants having completed high school (Table 3; 2003-04 data).

Cocaine is the injection drug most often used (88% of the 8,939 respondents had used cocaine), followed by…

Monitoring report