Potable water

COVID-19: Interim Recommendations Applicable to Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Workers

This document has been updated in French only. The English version is not available anymore.

Groupe de travail SAT-COVID-19

Climate change in Southern Québec : an analysis of the vulnerability of Québec drinking water facilities to toxic cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that are naturally present in the earth’s fresh water and salt water ecosystems; they are not algae despite the fact that they are referred to as blue-green algae. For millions of years, these micro-organisms have been intimately associated with the development of life on the planet, since they helped enrich the earth’s atmosphere with oxygen. Through biosynthesis, they also produce several groups of substances including cyanotoxins. From an evolutionary viewpoint, cyanotoxins are believed to increase the competitive advantage of cyanobacteria, allowing them to dominate the aquatic environment in which they grow. The particular environmental problem created by cyanobacteria since the 1990s is the result of excessive proliferation in surface waters (ponds, lakes and streams), caused primarily by surpluses of nutrients such as nitrogen and especially phosphorus. In this context, drinking water facilities that are supplied with surface water co…



  • Contamination de l'eau de premier jet par le plomb sur un réseau dont l'agressivité est modérée


  • Le plomb dans l'eau de consommation des garderies de la région de Québec