Terms of reference for training needs analysis - Continuing education component

As part of its mission, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) has a mandate to promulgate and build on knowledge and expertise in the field of public health. Legally, the Institute is a recognized educational institution pursuant to section 7.6 of the Act to promote workplace skills development and recognition (R.S.Q., c. D-7.1). In connection with this mandate, the INSPQ has established the Skills Development unit under the Research, Training and Development Branch.

To ensure optimum consistency in skills development between the training activities designed for staff working in the Québec health system and the training needs existing in these populations, the INSPQ Skills Development unit considered it relevant to develop terms of reference for performing analyses of continuing education needs. The fact is that analysis of training needs is a step often skipped in the process of developing training activities. However, the needs analysis process is essential in order to maximize attainment of the objectives of this type of activity.

The final product of a training needs analysis is an accurate description of exactly what type of training is required, which is adapted to the real situation of the professionals in question and of the environment in which they operate. Thus, the training needs analysis makes it possible to transform the identified needs into learning objectives, which can then be achieved through appropriate training activities.

Accordingly, the goal of these terms of reference is to define the training needs analysis, describe the various levels to which it applies, and present the various methods enabling it to be completed. The document concludes with a presentation of the elements to be included in the needs analysis final report.


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