
Document présentant des informations classées par ordre alphabétique, numérique, chronologique ou systématique pour l'identification ou la localisation de personnes, de documents, d'organismes, de lieux ou d'objets. 

Indigenous-specific Mental Health and/or Wellness Strategies in Canada

The NCCHPP produced a Scan of Mental Health Strategies to show what is being developed in the field of population mental health across Canada. This Scan provides an overview of mental health and wellness and related strategies through comparative tables and summaries, with a particular emphasis on work related to the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental illnesses.


Scan of Canadian Provincial and Territorial Strategies in Mental Health

The NCCHPP produced a Scan of Mental Health Strategies1 to show what is being developed in the field of population mental health across Canada. This scan provides an overview of mental health and wellness and related strategies through comparative tables and summaries, with a particular emphasis on work related to the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental illnesses.


Strategies Related to Suicide Prevention in Canada

The NCCHPP produced a Scan of Mental Health Strategies1 to show what is being developed in the field of population mental health across Canada. This Scan provides an overview of mental health and wellness and related strategies through comparative tables and summaries, with a particular emphasis on work related to the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental illnesses.


Medical competencies directory in non-cancer pain management and opioid prescribing– Update

The prescription and use of opioid drugs has increased significantly in Québec in recent years. According to studies recently published by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec – INSPQ (Gagné et al., 2013; Gagné, Dubé, Légaré and Perron, 2015), an increase in the number of deaths and the mortality rate attributable to opioid overdose was also reported in the province between 2000 and 2012, among the population aged 20 and over.

As part of an agreement with Health…


Mould Compendium

Each of these fact sheets contains information relating to different biological, medical and toxicological aspects of the moulds. These fact sheets also describe the requirements for mould growth as well as the materials on which moulds can grow. The site is accessible to everyone at no charge. It is intended for physicians, researchers, construction professionals, as well as the general public.


Mould Compendium

Each of these fact sheets contains information relating to different biological, medical and toxicological aspects of the moulds. These fact sheets also describe the requirements for mould growth as well as the materials on which moulds can grow. The site is accessible to everyone at no charge. It is intended for physicians, researchers, construction professionals, as well as the general public.


Health Impact Assessment (HIA): Guides & Tools

The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) seeks to support the efforts of the Canadian public health community and its partners in promoting healthy public policy through more informed strategies. Among other things, the Centre focuses on Health Impact Assessment (HIA), a tool that helps shed light on decision making related to the development of policies, programs or projects that could have effects on the population’s overall health.

There are many HIA…


Health Impact Assessment (HIA): Selected Resources

Health impact assessment (HIA) is a process that makes it possible to shed light on decision making related to proposed policies, programs or projects, and on their potential effects on the health of a population. There are many approaches to the practice of HIA, the oldest having been developed within the field of environmental health in relation to the environmental impact assessment of development projects. The main focus of this inventory is the practice of HIA as related to the…


Deliberative Processes: Selected Resources

This inventory of resources was developed in response to interest in deliberative processes expressed by public health actors, many of whom are interested in the role deliberative processes can play in support of efforts to promote healthy public policy.

This inventory is intended to launch inquiry into the subject of deliberative processes as applied to public policy and thus does not claim to be exhaustive. It is based on a review of the literature on this subject carried out by…
