Synthesis and summary

Écrit synthétisant ou résumant une production scientifique (de l'INSPQ ou d'ailleurs) et dans lequel les connaissances scientifiques sont adaptées de manière à les rendre accessibles et compréhensibles à des publics généraux ou spécialisés.

School Food Policies : A knowledge synthesis on the implementation process : Abstract

This abstract offers highlight of a knowledge synthesis on the implementation process for policies, programs or measures favourable to healthy eating in the schools. The data reported concerns schools at the elementary and secondary levels. The synthesis reveals a portrait of the favourable factors and obstacles to implementing school food policies, as well as describing a systematic approach to maximize the chances of success of this implementation. This knowledge will be useful to any…

Synthesis and summary

Primary Care Services Organisational Models and the Population's Care Experience

Primary care services have undergone significant changes in Québec. It is in this context that a research project entitled “Accessibility and Continuity of Care: A Study of Primary Care Services in Québec” was carried out in two health regions in the province: Montréal and Montérégie (Pineault, Lévesque et al. 2004). The main goal of this project was to study the links between different primary care services organisational models and health care experience reported by the population…

Synthesis and summary

Accessibility and continuity of health services : A study on primary healthcare in Quebec : Research report : Summary


Overall, individuals’ assessment of their health care experiences with their regular source of primary care is favourable. These observations are similar to the results of international studies on health care user satisfaction. However, the population is clearly less appreciative of geographical and organisational accessibility. Appreciation of care experience varies greatly among territories of the health and social service centres (HSSC) in the two regions under study.…
Synthesis and summary

Unmet needs for medical services: a reflection of the accessibility of primary care services?

In short,

The prevalence of unmet needs seems to have grown over the past decade, and reaches 18% in our study. One out of five people perceive their health problems associated with unmet needs to be urgent, and a large percentage of people who reported unmet needs felt worried and experienced pain, and they needed to limit their activities. This issue affects the population as a whole but is more common among young adults, recent immigrants, people who work or study, individuals…
Synthesis and summary

Nunavik Inuit Health Survey 2004 : Survey Highlights

The Inuit communities of Nunavik have experienced profound change in every aspect of their lives over the last few decades. As contact with more southerly regions increased, the Inuit changed their living habits, adopting a more sedentary lifestyle, modern living conditions and new eating habits. The survey conducted by Santé Québec in 1992 demonstrated that these changes had an impact on the health status of this population. Ten years later, the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social…

Synthesis and summary

Nunavik Inuit Health Survey 2004 : Nutrition and food consumption among the Inuit of Nunavik

Over the last decade, significant changes in food consumption patterns have occurred in the traditional Inuit diet, especially since communication and transportation with southern regions were improved. Similar situations have been observed among other Aboriginal populations and it seems that Aboriginal people are vulnerable to nutritional inadequacy and are facing significant increases in nutrition-related health problems. Improving health outcomes for the Inuit population is a priority for…

Synthesis and summary

Health services utilisation by Montrealers aged 40 and over with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 2003–2004

The main objective of this report is to enable decision makers in clinical and administrative health settings in Montréal to be better informed of the utilisation of ambulatory care and institutional services by people in their territories who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This report on COPD is part of the “Monitorage interprétative” project conducted by the Équipe Santé des populations et services de santé (ESPSS), a joint team of the Montréal Public Health…

Synthesis and summary

Primary care services organisation - A portrait of primary care medical services in Montréal and Montérégie - Summary

This summary report on primary care services organisation (Hamel, Pineault et al., 2007) is part of a series of publications focusing on the research project results. It presents evidence and unpublished data on primary care medical services organisation. Results are given according to administrative region and Health and Social Services Centre (CSSS) territory.

The data come from a large 2005 study of primary care medical offices and clinics in the regions chosen. This report is…

Synthesis and summary

Nunavik Inuit Health Survey 2004/Qanuippitaa? How are we? Exposure to Environmental Contaminants in Nunavik: Persistent Organic Pollutants and New Contaminants of Concern

The Inuit of Nunavik are exposed to metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that are carried from southern to northern latitudes by oceanic and atmospheric transport and biomagnified in Arctic food webs. As the Inuit traditional diet comprises large amounts of tissues from marine mammals, fish and terrestrial wild game, the Inuit are more exposed to these contaminants than populations living in southern regions. The traditional suite of legacy POPs comprises polychlorinated dibenzo p…

Research report, study and analysis

Nunavik Inuit Health Survey 2004 : Perception of Contaminants, Participation in Hunting and Fishing Activities, and Potential Impacts of Climate Change

The activities of hunting, fishing and collection of resources from the land and sea are of central importance to the health of Inuit in Nunavik. For approximately twenty years now, confidence in these resources and Inuit access to them have been threatened by reports of environmental contaminants in wildlife, social and economic trends influencing the time available to hunt and fish, and more recently, reports of climate change and variability and influences on the availability and…

Research report, study and analysis