Synthesis and summary

Écrit synthétisant ou résumant une production scientifique (de l'INSPQ ou d'ailleurs) et dans lequel les connaissances scientifiques sont adaptées de manière à les rendre accessibles et compréhensibles à des publics généraux ou spécialisés.

What is Health Impact Assessment (HIA)?

The most common definition of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is the one set forth by the European Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999 in what is known as the “Gothenburg consensus paper.” HIA is presented as “a combination of procedures, methods and tools by which a policy, program or project may be judged as to its potential effects on the health of a population, and the distribution of those effects within the population” (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 1999).

Synthesis and summary

Evaluating Deliberative Processes

Deliberative processes such as citizens’ juries, consensus conferences, or deliberative polls are increasingly used to engage citizens and stakeholders about challenging public health issues for the purposes of informing policymaking (Abelson, 2009; Scutchfield, Hall, & Ireson, 2006). Yet, there is a paucity of research evidence about the effectiveness of deliberative processes in real settings (Culyer & Lomas, 2006; Mendelberg, 2002).

The purpose of this fact sheet is to…

Synthesis and summary

The Impact of the Built Environment on Physical Activity, Diet, and Body Weight: Summary

The built environment has an influence on lifestyle and body weight

Physical activity is promoted through:

More walkable neighbourhoods The presence of sidewalks, walking paths, and bike paths A substantial presence of recreational and sports infrastructure including parks, pools, playgrounds, and sports clubs.

Healthy eating is promoted through:

Having easy access to food retailers that are located close to homes and that offer healthy foods at…
Synthesis and summary

Alcohol Consumption and Public Health in Québec: Summary

Alcohol consumption is a public health issue because it causes many health and social harms:

Alcohol consumption is associated with deaths, chronic diseases, cancers, injuries, violence, mental health problems, addiction and social problems. In 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that alcohol was the third leading risk factor for mortality and morbidity in developed countries, after smoking and high blood pressure. In North America, alcohol accounts for 14.2% of the…
Synthesis and summary

Research on the Health of Québec First Nations and Inuit: An Overview - 20 Years of Research at a Glance

Speaking to the First Nations of Québec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission's 2007-2017 Blueprint, this review provides valuable information to guide the development of research on First Nations and Inuit.

Between 2008 and 2009, both the First Nations of Québec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC) and the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) worked together to achieve this report. It follows through with the commitment made by…

Synthesis and summary

Report of the Subcommittee Épreuves de détection de la syphilis: Highlights

Since 2000, the resurgence of syphilis in Québec has led to increased screening and resulted in a greater number of reported cases, particularly in the Montréal area. To meet the growing demand for laboratory testing, some medical diagnostic laboratories have introduced an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test into their syphilis detection algorithm. This situation raised concerns among general practitioners, microbiologists and infectious disease specialists with regards to the interpretation of…

Synthesis and summary

Report on the relevance of supervised injection sites: critical analysis of the literature

Given that certain questions have been raised regarding the results of studies on the effects of SISs, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) has taken the initiative of carrying out a critical analysis of these studies.

The objective of this report is to evaluate the relevance of establishing supervised injection sites in the province of Québec. It is based on a critical analysis of the scientific research carried out to date on the effects of SISs and on a review…

Synthesis and summary

Suitability and feasibility of a colorectal cancer screening program in Québec: Executive summary and conclusions of the report of the scientific committee established by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec

Randomized comparative trials have shown that screening can reduce the mortality from colorectal cancer. However, due to difficulties of implementation, as observed in various countries, the expected benefits might not be achieved. The Committee recommends that the following conditions be met prior to implementing a provincial program:

Accessibility to colonoscopic examinations should be governed by the implementation of clinical, quality and performance standards that will be…

Synthesis and summary

Climate change in Southern Québec : an analysis of the vulnerability of Québec drinking water facilities to toxic cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that are naturally present in the earth’s fresh water and salt water ecosystems; they are not algae despite the fact that they are referred to as blue-green algae. For millions of years, these micro-organisms have been intimately associated with the development of life on the planet, since they helped enrich the earth’s atmosphere with oxygen. Through biosynthesis, they also produce several groups of substances including cyanotoxins. From an…

Synthesis and summary

Climate change in southern Québec : drinking water supply and public health: climate projections for precipitation and runoff in southern Québec

One of the projected consequences of climate change (CC) is an increase in weather events or situations which until now have been rare, such as heavy precipitation or extended periods of drought. In this context, major infrastructure is likely to be affected by changes in the water regime, including the drinking water supply. Climatic variables that may affect volumes available for drinking water in a context of CC include rainfall and temperature. In the event of a significant change in…

Synthesis and summary