Environmental health

Thoughts on urban use pesticides

In Quebec, according to current data, sales of domestic pesticides, that is, those used by private individuals, rose by almost 600% between the end of the 1970s and the start of the 1990s, and by 60% between 1992 and 1996. This development, which is the result of a keen interest in landscape maintenance and ornamental horticulture on the part of the public, is also a source of concern for many members of the public, as well as for public health authorities. This memorandum offers a…


Preliminary Notice Concerning the Selection of an Adulticide for the Control of Mosquitoes to Prevent the Transmission of West Nile Virus in Quebec and Elsewhere in Canada

In the event that West Nile virus (WNV) enters Canada, the control of the principal vector would be one of the key components of the efforts to limit the spread of this virus. At the present time, it appears that mosquitoes are the primary vector of WNV to humans and other animals.

The use of insecticides for this purpose is not without certain human health risks. For that reason, it is critical to select the product that offers the highest level of safety, both for the public and…

Scientific advisory