Wet hands.
Add 3 to 5 mL of soap or antiseptic solution.
Scrub hands palm to palm.
Scrub right hand’s palm on the back of the left hand, and vice versa.
Scrub palm to palm, interlacing fingers.
Scrub outer side of the fingers against the palm of the opposite hand.
Scrub thumbs rotatively.
Scrub fingertips of each hand in opposite palm.
Rince and dry hands using paper towels; turn off water using the paper.
Visitors must show up at the nursing station prior to enter the room.
The patient must stay in the room.
Always wear gloves when in the room. Throw them in the garbage before leaving the room.
Always wear a long-sleeved gown when in the room. Take it off before leaving the room.
Proceed to antiseptic handwashing when leaving the room.
Reserve the medical equipment for the patient’s exclusive use, or disinfect it if it is being used for several patients…
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